Richard Bostwick Reminiscences

Take a backseat ride with Richard Bostwick through this vivid recounting of his experience as a Fargo, N.D. cabbie and welfare office worker. His accounts reflect a side of Fargo during the tough times of the 1920s and 30s, where people struggled day-to-day to get by, through both legal and illegal means. His occupations put him in a unique position that allowed him to observe an underworld of bootleggers, gamblers, hustlers and other interesting characters, long forgotten and hidden by modern day prosperity. Richard Bostwick had a talent for storytelling that grabs a hold of the reader, and leaves one wanting more. Take a look and enjoy the ride!



Richard and Clara Bostwick on their 60th Wedding Anniversary, July 1982





Welfare Office Stories
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Cab Driving Stories

The Way It Was - 1930
The Gambler And His Gal 1927
The Last One To Know 1926
Just A Couple Of Hustlers 1925
Cash On Delivery 1923
One Born Every Minute 1923
Fun Is Where You Find It 1923
An Ace In The Hole 1922
And A Little Child Shall…
Gold Tooth Murphy
Aiding And Abetting 1929
Buried Treasure 1927
The Good Samaritan
Just A Country Trip
The Prodigal Son
Occupational Hazard
Four Bags Full
Overtime Pay
Above And Beyond The Call
Fourth Down And Ten
Let There Be Light
Take It Or Leave It
Double Or Nothing
The Champ
Three Of A Kind
My Silent Big Spender
N.P.R.R. (Northern Pacific Railroad) Mr. Moody


Prohibition Stories
A Little Competition
Some Did Burn

Richard Bostwick's Last Words



Institute for Regional Studies Home Page

Published by the Institute for Regional Studies, NDSU
Updated: 7/30/2007