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The Spectrum Index

Results: 59 records
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Spectrum Articles
Title Author Pub Date Page Keywords Recno
Nursery school serves as lab for child development course {photo} February 25, 1955 1 Child Development and Family Relations / Nursery School / 9451
Bialzor new chairman of CDFR September 18, 1969 9 Bialzor, Robert / Child Development and Family Relations Department / College of Home Economics / 1186
Negative comments by Dr. Vincent December 18, 1970 6 Child Development and Family Relations Department / 2272
Provides personal individual health care {photo} September 12, 1975 3 Family Practice Center / 4124
Dedication planned for homecoming week {photo} September 24, 1976 6 Family Life Center / 4115
Memorial Plaza of the Family Life Center {photo} November 07, 1978 8 Monuments / Family LIfe Center / 7253
Acquire farm from Fossum family December 01, 1978 1 Development Foundation / Fossum Family / 3235
With F-M Junior league starts home care training for those with handicapped children October 05, 1979 3 Child Development and Family Relations Department / 2274
CDFR course offers experience Nill, Doug March 24, 1981 5 Child Development and Family Relations Department / 13134
Stern Family awards SU $120,000 September 11, 1981 2 Music Education Center / Alex Stern Family Foundation / 13275
Conflict handled in various ways, says SU professor Bakke, Kristie November 09, 1982 6 Child Development and Family Relations Department / 13887
CDFS is proposed title for the Home Ec merger Braaten, Jody May 03, 1985 2 Home Economics Department / Child Development and Family Science(CDFS) / 15121
AHEA selects Light as award recipient May 07, 1985 1 Light, Harriett / Child Development and Family Relations / 15129
Rathmann to lecture December 10, 1985 Family Life Center / 15339
Grant awarded to train child-care providers at seven sites in the state Piehl, Shadd December 04, 1987 1 Department of Child Care and Family Science / Child Care / 19640
CDFS endowment set up October 11, 1988 2 Child Development and Family Science / Ida B. and Verlin K. Johnson Family Endowment / 20469
Regulation concerning rights given September 14, 1990 3 Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 / Policies / 22398
Buckley Amendment 'protects' students Martin, Jon April 05, 1991 1 Family Right and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) / 23041
Annual notice: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 September 04, 1992 7 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act / Student Rights / 542
Light named professor of the year September 29, 1992 1 Light, Harriett / North Dakota Professor of the Year / Council for Advancement and Support of Education / Child Development and Family Science Department / 1335
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 September 03, 1993 3 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 Listing of student rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 / 664
Grant awarded to SU professor to increase awareness of breast cancer Sherlin, Merideth November 02, 1993 1 Breast Cancer / McCaul, Kevin / National Cancer Institute / Breast Cancer Screening Campaign / American Cancer Society / North Dakota Association for Family and Continuing Education / 3448
Finance your way to being a millionaire Sherlin, Merideth January 14, 1994 2 Personal and Family Finance / Bach, Annette / Faculty / Munkberg, Lisa / Finances / Budgeting / 5329
SU to showcase campus for Family Weekend Toepke, Deanna October 04, 1996 1 Family Weekend / Incoming Students / 1776
Results: 59 records
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