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The Spectrum Index

Results: 49 records
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Spectrum Articles
Title Author Pub Date Page Keywords Recno
Gross leads student demonstration {photo} May 13, 1964 5 Protests / Administration / 26
Administrative group studies student's protest {photo} May 13, 1964 1 Protests / Administration / 24
[Herbert Albrecht] Gives answers to last spring's demonstrator's requests September 30, 1964 1 Protests / Albrecht, Herbert R. / 81
SNCC holds protest demonstration {photo} March 24, 1965 1 Protests / Friends of Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee / 2171
Student movement started against draft protestors November 03, 1965 1 Protests / Vietnam War / 5872
Lecture-in supports present Vietnam policy {photo} November 24, 1965 1-2 Protests / Vietnam War / 5877
Pacifist student plans anti-Vietnam war protest {photo} March 23, 1966 1 Protests / Vietnam War / 5879
Eggs fly as students protest Vietnam war {photo} March 30, 1966 1 Protests / Vietnam War / 5881
Can be effective in F-M area January 16, 1968 1 Protests / 1371
Hunger March September 12, 1968 3 Protests / National Foundation On Hunger / 2692
Resistance day comes to F-M October 31, 1968 12 Protests / Draft / 1508
Draft resistor Brian Coyle-unafraid of prison January 30, 1969 8 Protests / Coyle, Brian / Draft / 1340
Fast begins second day January 30, 1969 1 Protests / Biafra Action / 302
Action group starves for starving February 06, 1969 16 Protests / Biafra Action / 308
Protests erupt across North Dakota March 20, 1969 1 Protests / Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABM) / 171
Protestor's distribute leaflets, oppose ABM contractors March 27, 1969 1 Protests / Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABM) / 185
State `Citizens Against ABM' forms March 27, 1969 1 Protests / Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABM) / 183
VAC to march against Agnew, Young September 25, 1969 8 Protests / Agnew, Spiro T. / Young, Milton R. / Vietnam Action Committee / 5864
SDS, vets stage a verbal confrontation October 02, 1969 1 Protests / Vietnam veterans / Students for a Democratic Society / 5550
Holds protest October 02, 1969 1 Protests / Vietnam Action Committee / 5866
Pickets recruiters, literature disappears October 23, 1969 1 Protests / Students for a Democratic Society / 5552
Middle-aged idiots pose threat April 24, 1970 5 Protests / 8430
Conspirators, Phil Ochs highlight ND protest May 01, 1970 1 Ochs, Phil / Protests / 8435
Thousands expected at Nekoma May 15, 1970 1 Nekoma, ND / Protests / 8437
Results: 49 records
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