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The Spectrum Index

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Spectrum Articles
Title Author Pub Date Page Keywords Recno
Students attend obedience school {photo} November 12, 1976 3 Skills Warehouse / 9005
Offers activities for spring including field trips March 18, 1977 7 Skills Warehouse / 9007
Lose weight through Great Shape {photo} May 03, 1977 9 Dieting / Skills Warehouse / 9009
Teachers receive high pay for a reason December 14, 1978 1 Skills Warehouse / 9011
Expand faculty involvement January 19, 1979 3 Verbal Skills Conference / 10764
Bailly blaims technology January 19, 1979 3 Verbal Skills Conference / 10763
Mankiewicz points to TV as force to declining literacy January 19, 1979 3 Verbal Skills Conference / 10762
Skill Warehouse is outlet for students Marso, Joan March 24, 1987 6 Skills Warehouse / MU Breaks / 19431
Interviewees must dress appropriately if they want a job Messall, Karen October 27, 1987 8 Career Cay / Interview Skills / Burgam, Douglas / Great Plains Software / 19593
Great image will land great job January 29, 1988 7 Career Services / Interview Skills / 19705
Leadership program ofers skills Fuchs, Karen February 16, 1990 6 Leadership Skills / 22027
Skill Warehouse offers diversity of activities for students Mosser, Shelia September 21, 1990 3 Skills Warehouse / 22457
Course helps students adjust Dorn, Lisa December 13, 1991 1 "Skills for Academic Success" / Courses / Bush Foundation Grants / 23603
Students encouraged to practice interviewing skills Buckhardt, Jodi April 07, 1992 1 Career Services / Interview Skills / 23859
Communication and leadership skills are keys to success Hall, Mike December 11, 1992 1 Communication Skills / Leadership Skills / 4983
`Don't sell yourself short' course Guggenberger, Gina August 31, 1993 1 Courses / Interview Skills Marketing Yourself: Professional Image and Attitudes course overview / 502
Polishing your interview skills - what you should know Weatherly, Liz September 28, 1993 3 Rally / Cooperative Education Office / Career Service Center / Interview Skills / Dostal, Randy / Hutchinson Technology Inc. / Kruger, Phillip / Grant Thornton Management Consulting Firm / 1866
Report blasts undergraduate education January 14, 1994 3 Wingspread Group on Higher Education / Brock, William / Graduates / Skills / Knowledge / 5364
Joint venture for skills training center between SU and NDSCS Toepke, Deanna September 10, 1996 1 NDSCS / skills training center / old K-Mart / 17099
Interviewing skill useful tool for students Achtenberg, Aaron October 22, 1996 13 Interview Skills / Informational Interviewing / Interviews / 2804
Interviewing skill useful tool for students Achtenberg, Aaron October 22, 1996 13 Interview Skills / Informational Interviewing / Interviews / 15891
Plans for Skills Training Center begin Forsberg, Denise January 17, 1997 6 Skills Training Center / Vocational Education / 16062
Plans for Skills Training Center begin Forsberg, Denise January 17, 1997 6 Skills Training Center / Vocational Education / 5047
Legislature refuses SU building projects Toepke, Deanna March 04, 1997 1 North Dakota University Legislation / Animal Research Facility / Skills Training Center / Funding HB 1029 rejected by North Dakota state legislature / 16229
Results: 39 records
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