President Worst's Memorial Grove


The Memorial Grove was the idea of President John Worst (1895-1916), who had a tree planted for each NDAC student who volunteered to fight in the Spanish-American War (1898). Although the exact date of the planting of the trees is not known, the stone marking the memorial grove was placed in July of 1937. Originally, the stone marker, and we believe the grove, was located south of Ceres Hall (across Administration Blvd.) and east of Old Main.





At some point the stone was moved, across the street from Ceres (Administration Blvd.), off the sidewalk and in the bush area, west of the garage of the President's House. Speculation is that the stone was moved during the building of the President's House.






The stone remained in that spot until the Summer of 2002, when it was again moved.. It is now located in the arboretum by the campus main gate.





University Archives, 701-231-8914
Published by the University Archives, NDSU
Last Updated: 8/27/04