Ernest E. & Raphael E. Baldwin

Business years Circa 1924 - 1928
Business address N.P. Block, 2 1/2 Broadway


Ernest Elias Baldwin was born in Minnesota on October 7, 1883. In 1920 he was living in Faribault, Minnesota employed as a photographer. Ernest came to Fargo around 1924 and is listed as a photographer with a Raphael Baldwin in the Fargo city directory. After 1924 Raphael is no longer listed. Ernest remained in Fargo until 1928.  It is possible that the Baldwin studio was called Old Masters, since this studio was listed in the same building at the same time as the Baldwin's studio.

Ernest's wife was Viola, and they had three children, Willard, Blanche and Anita.

1920s photographers



Photographers of Fargo, N.D.
Institute for Regional Studies,
North Dakota State University,
Fargo 2001