00:12:32 kristi steinmann: As a reminder, we are recording this session. Please put your questions in the chat and we’ll cover them after the presentation. At the time for questions, you’ll also be able to unmute yourself. 00:12:57 kristi steinmann: All participants are currently muted. 00:13:38 kristi steinmann: www.ndsu.edu/deanofstudents/covid 00:14:10 kristi steinmann: https://www.ndsu.edu/deanofstudents/covid/engagement/ 00:19:18 Carrie Anne Platt: Examples are helpful! Would it be possible to share an example of some of the hybrid or virtual activities that have been done this summer to engage students? May be helpful for those of us planning sessions for Welcome Week. 00:19:20 kristi steinmann: https://www.ndsu.edu/enrollmentmanagement/bit/ 00:30:55 amber.bach: we have some power outage in Ceres too 00:31:00 zachary.j.drechsel: power out in library 00:31:04 Anne Johnson: Our Power is out too in Ceres but only certain areas 00:31:05 christina.fischer: minard also 00:31:11 Amelia Asperin: EML too 00:31:14 Jaryn: Counseling Center still has power. 00:31:22 ranelle.ingalls: Ceres is also some power is out in the Bldg. 00:31:32 kristi steinmann: Syllabus language from Provost’s office: https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/provost/Forms/Faculty/Syllabus_Checklist_for_COVID.pdf 00:31:47 Nancy Emerson: If we have even one student in class who states that they cannot adequately hear faculty in class, what are our options? If for, example, we can maintain an empty first row of seating, can we remove our mask? 00:32:48 melissa stotz: What if it is a student who will not comply, but we don't know their name? 00:32:53 Shar: What if they do not give you their name? 00:32:53 beth: What can staff do - we won't be able to find out student's names. 00:34:02 Dena Wyum: If a student in our class reports testing positive for COVID-19, should we report that using the Care Team form so that someone is checking in with them? 00:34:16 Annett Richter: What if a student who is not wearing a mask in class says they forgot to bring their mask or they don't have a mask? Should faculty have a mask on hand to give to that student, or is this entirely the responsibility of the student to have a mask? 00:34:36 Jennifer Brandel: Can a link to syllabus language and enforcement contacts be posted here for reference please? Assuming there is some developed language for the University level. Thanks 00:34:56 beth: Syllabus language from Provost’s office: https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/provost/Forms/Faculty/Syllabus_Checklist_for_COVID.pdf 00:35:00 Rob Sabba: What about student who may have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask and have a doctors note. 00:35:07 kristi steinmann: @Jennifer: Syllabus language from Provost’s office: https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/provost/Forms/Faculty/Syllabus_Checklist_for_COVID.pdf 00:36:26 Annett Richter: Is there a link for 3.2.0 and 3.4.5 that Casey just mentioned? Thank you. 00:36:27 Zoltan Majdik: @Rob -- I believe that's covered in the syllabus checklist Kristi just posted. Those students need to go through Disability Services. 00:37:02 Rob Sabba: @Zoltan.. thanks! 00:37:38 Carrie Anne Platt: @Rob @Zoltan — Yesterday they talked about how “not wearing a mask” was not considered a “reasonable accommodation.” They may opt to attend via Hy-Flex. 00:37:40 Mark Coppin: If a student does have a medical reason for not wearing a mask, they would need to contact Disability Services and go through a process. 00:39:32 beth: Once again, I am concerned about public spaces, and staff lack of authority to compel compliance with face coverings and social distancing 00:39:36 Shannon Ueker: what about noon-faculty? if they're in a public space, I'm going to remind them. if they say they have an accommodation, I want to see proof...or I'm going to move into taking steps against them. 00:39:37 james.faris: So during that time does the student learn remotely? 00:39:44 Shannon Ueker: *non-faculty 00:41:08 Xinnan Wang: Is it proper to: 1. take a piture of the whole class at the end of each class for easy tracing if someone is tested positive? 2. take a video recording of a student as evidence who is not in compliance wearing a mask? Or do we need to collect at least another in-class student as witness? Thanks! 00:41:12 Carrie Anne Platt: Are there disposable masks in the Union or Library? That students could get if they don’t have a mask on them? 00:41:48 Mark Coppin: There shouldn’t be a situation where a student isn’t wearing a mask and we will not be providing a document for a student to show. 00:41:55 Shar: I have student employees working in the LAIC, are they allowed to ask other students to wear masks if a FTE staff member is not around? 00:42:04 beth: We don't have them. 00:42:12 Justin Swank: So are you recommending a guest book system? 00:42:24 kimberly.dienslake: the Library does have disposable masks 00:42:28 Shannon Ueker: I work in a hallway going into a skywalk... people walk through all the time that have no university business in our space. 00:42:46 Lydia Tackett: our staff member is part time and located in a different building from faculty offices, FYI 00:42:58 zachary.j.drechsel: Students have masks, they just take them off once they sit down. The wording on policy needs to be clarified 00:43:05 Carrie Anne Platt: We should definitely earmark these additional masks for high-traffic spaces like the Library and Union. 00:43:11 Carrie Anne Platt: Possibly STEM as well. 00:44:10 Carrie Anne Platt: Earlier forum said it was not permitted. Violation of face-covering policy. Because they are inside. 00:45:21 Shannon Ueker: face shields are an option for better hearing/clarity and for deaf students to see. they fit like welders masks 00:46:10 Tim Peterson: In my department we purchased some masks, so every faculty member has 10 that they can initially give one to a student who do not come with a face mask. 00:46:22 Carrie Anne Platt: Current science says face shields are not as effective as masks. Unless the bottom is sealed in some way. 00:46:57 Shannon Ueker: we talked first today about student activities. what's going on with fall sports, wellness center classes? 00:47:06 Dave W: So, the answer is yes, faculty can remove their face coverings in class? 00:47:15 Polly Olson: If faculty are wearing face shields, I assume some students will come to class with face shields rather than masks. 00:49:04 beth: One big concern for staff is if we are forced or have to come to campus full time is the sheer amount of exposure we will have to large amounts of people, masks or no. 00:49:17 Annett Richter: Will adjunct lecturers be able to get a microphone or are those just for full-time lecturers and faculty? 00:49:19 Tim Peterson: I agree what I heard yesterday from Dr. Carson makes me feel face covering is the best answer. 00:49:33 Laura McDaniel, NDSU: https://www.ndsu.edu/covid19/student_reporting_procedures 00:50:04 Angela Seewald-Marquardt: Hearing impaired students often rely on lip-reading. With masks this is not possible. What reasonable accommodations might be available for them? 00:50:18 Kelli Layman: For those of us that teach a class for a Dept each semester will we also receive a lapel mic? 00:50:34 Carrie Anne Platt: @Angela - Mark mentioned that clear face masks were an option for the instructors teaching those students. 00:52:18 Angela Seewald-Marquardt: Thanks Carrie Anne! I arrived late to the meeting. 00:52:23 Marc Wallman: Kelli, have more than enough mics ordered for everyone who is listed as a primary instructor for a class. Trying to figure out how many HAs we can also cover. 00:52:33 susanne: I’ve heard contact tracing won’t be conducted in common areas. Is this true? If it is, will it change? 00:52:37 Marc Wallman: ***How many TAs we can also cover 00:52:37 Mark Coppin: We are looking at getting masks with clear fronts and getting those to faculty for students who are identified as Deaf/HOH 00:52:38 Carrie Anne Platt: Sure thing! It’s a really important issue, so good to document in the chat as well. :) 00:54:05 Carrie Anne Platt: Some universities are offering “amnesty” for students who are willing to report / participate in contact tracing. 00:54:13 Amy Gore: Will students and faculty be able to drink water in class if they use a straw and keep their mask on, or where should we direct them to go if they need a water break? 00:54:30 Kelli Layman: Thanks Marc 00:55:50 zachary.j.drechsel: The question is if I work in the Library and someone positive comes in will Library staff be notified? 00:56:53 beth: It's more about whether staff working in public spaces will be notified if students diagnosed as positive had spent significant amounts of time in those spaces. People oftem camp out at the library for hours and currently, they are taking off mass when they do so. 00:57:07 beth: *masks 00:58:58 Carrie Anne Platt: Compliance in the library has come up in multiple forums. It would be great if someone from the Safety Office could work directly with them on this issue. 01:00:14 beth: Thank you Carrie Anne! 01:00:40 Ganapathy Mahalingam: if you use a class photo as a record for contact tracing, you need to name the students only when someone tests positive. If you do not know all the names, you can ask the students to annotate the photo with their names as a class assignment for those attending. Could be done in a shared Google doc I think. 01:01:41 beth: https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/policy/601.pdf 01:02:00 sherri.stastny: I have to chime in Margaret--not sure if we want to recommend straws (sanitation a whole other topic here) nor disposable straws. Personally, in a long class or lab (longer than 1 hour) I need water to survive so hoping someone can answer this soon :) thanks, Sherri 01:02:36 Tim Peterson: It might be useful to have Dr. Carson redo his presentation he did for the new department heads and chairs yesterday for the whole campus. I know it answered some questions for me. 01:02:54 Margaret Fitzgerald: Sorry I mentioned straws--I honestly don't know the science on this! 01:03:34 Laura Oster-Aaland: Here is the link to the Student Code of Conduct https://www.ndsu.edu/deanofstudents/student_rights_and_responsibilities/ 01:03:35 Amy Gore: @sherri-Yes, I have a 2 1/2 hour class that I’m planning to teach in person. Even directing students out to the hall to drink water won’t work because they would still be inside, and at some point standing outside will be too cold. Where should they go? 01:04:40 Florin Salajan: Some courses are three-hour long sessions. Is it reasonable to shorten the duration of a session in the F2F format to minimize exposure? 01:04:41 Annett Richter: Will adjunct lecturers be able to get a microphone or are those just for full-time lecturers and faculty? 01:04:51 Shannon Ueker: @sherri, agreed. Several of us work an 8 hour day in a place that req a mask all day... 01:05:06 Patricia Dirk: I just sent a note to Paul Carson regarding beverages and snacks 01:05:30 Laura Oster-Aaland: Thanks Patty 01:06:11 Annett Richter: Will classrooms be cleaned between classes? Or is the instructor responsible for that? 01:07:01 Carrie Anne Platt: @Annett - Covered in detail in the Facilities forum. If you email me I can send you notes 01:07:05 kristi steinmann: https://youtu.be/PrStptqqH1k 01:07:21 Shannon Ueker: @annett, that was covered a few days ago. they won't be cleaned but there will be sanitation stains for all to clean their area. 01:07:38 kristi steinmann: Link to classroom demo, which includes test of voice with and without face covering: https://youtu.be/PrStptqqH1k 01:07:46 Shannon David Misialek: I'm wondering if Students will receive any type of evidence based training on COVID related to Transmission, prevention etc.? seems like there is a lot of misinformation out there and want to make sure the students are informed. 01:08:30 Carrie Anne Platt: @ Shannon. Some instructors are adding this information to their Blackboard sites. Happy to share examples if you would like to see them! 01:08:47 Annett Richter: Thank you, Carrie. WIll do. 01:09:34 Shannon Ueker: remind us, what is the quarantine rule for anyone coming to campus from out of state. hot spot (AZ, GA, etc) students don't need to quarantine? 01:09:49 beth: Try 8 hours! 01:09:53 Shannon David Misialek: Thanks Carrie Anne - I also have something from our national organization but wanted to add any NDSU related information 01:10:08 Shannon Ueker: @beth, right? sheesh 01:11:33 Kelli Layman: Thanks very helpful! 01:12:15 Pat Breen: Thanks for the helpful information! 01:12:15 Annett Richter: THank you!