00:09:24	Marc Wallman:	This session is being recorded
00:09:55	Sri Lalitha Nuthulapati:	YES
00:10:03	Ruilin Tian:	Yes
00:11:07	Marc Wallman:	Info on weekly open forums by IT Division to prep for fall semester available here: https://kb.ndsu.edu/teach
00:13:22	MMccourt:	Is f2f mandated for faculty?
00:13:32	Adam Taylor:	45rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
00:13:35	Shannon Ueker:	We have students from the other side of the world who cannot get to Fargo but will still begin their studies. How will they get courses if not asynchronous?
00:16:02	Tyler Tracy:	how should we document our cares act funding report? What should we be doing to meet the funding provided?
00:17:29	Marc Wallman:	Camera desired but not required. All classrooms scheduled by registrar can do hyflex at a minimal level today
00:17:32	Marc Wallman:	* In room participants can see and hear all remote participants.
* In room participants can share their screen with other remote participants and people in the room.
* Remote participants can hear anyone with a microphone in the room (typically just the instructor unless there are movable microphones in the room in question).
* Remote participants can see whatever is on the screen so long as it is being shared.
00:18:54	Yechun Wang:	What are the strategies to hold exams to maintain faireness?
00:18:56	Marc Wallman:	Equipment that IT Division is installing will make this easier.
00:19:26	Jill Zuber:	Will faculty be given their own lapel microphone?
00:20:31	Jeremy Jackson:	This is a question from Elizabeth. I typically split my class into two project sessions on project workshop days. I heard we were not to split our class. Is this true?
00:20:32	Marc Wallman:	Jill Zuber, microphones have been ordered for each faculty member. I don’t know the delivery date off the top of my head. Hopefully before classes start but we can’t guarantee.
00:20:52	greta.gramig:	I'm considering conducting field trips (walks around town) for my class to learn plant ID. I could record the walks for asynchronous viewing, but won't have an Internet capable of synchronous streaming out in the field. Most of my students plan to attend in person. Does anyone have input or suggestions about how to approach this?
00:21:21	Matthew Salafia:	Is face to face defined as being physically in the classroom? Or, if faculty remote in to the class is that considered face to face?
00:21:36	Nick Bauroth:	What sort of progress has been made on getting classrooms ready? When can we go into those classrooms to try things?
00:23:00	Sri Lalitha Nuthulapati:	Is it the same applied for teaching assistants to take the classes on zoom live video class with two-way student and instructor interactive sessions. 
00:23:03	Xudong Rao:	What measures are there to maintain social distancing in restrooms, especially during breaks between lectures?
00:23:19	Jill Lodde Greives:	Are there any updates to R&R’s progress toward moving classrooms to accommodate the 50% capacity?
00:23:20	Ganapathy Mahalingam:	do in class participants also have to be online to share content with remote students and communicate with them in breakrooms for instance?
00:23:29	Matthew Salafia:	Will we know if students in our class test positive? Then will we, as instructors, be responsible for moving all students to remote learning?
00:24:06	Marc Wallman:	Nick, very few classrooms will have all new equipment installed by the start of the semester. Will likely be piecemeal. Having supply chain issues for various pieces of equipment. Also we are redirecting efforts to bring new spaces online for use as classrooms (e.g., meeting rooms in the Memorial Union)
00:24:25	Dinesh Katti:	What options do faculty have in situation where few students in the classroom decide not to wear a mask.
00:24:41	Carol:	What happens if we have a limited number of students showing up in the classroom and no longer need a large classroom? Who should we notify?
00:25:16	Adam Taylor:	What, if anything, is being done to ease congestion and foot traffic getting to and from classes and will students be required to wear face coverings at all times including in hallways and while in transit? Or are coverings only required in classrooms? 
00:26:23	Polly Olson:	Could we get an update on which classes will not be offered as HyFlex, i.e. labs?
00:26:37	Marc Wallman:	Jill Lodde, the Provost probably has more current info, but when I visited with the Registrar earlier in the week, he believes he can make 50% work assuming we are able to bring “new” classrooms online.
00:27:00	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	To piggyback off Adam’s question, are there any procedures to sanitize rooms between class sections and changings of students?
00:29:42	Sri Lalitha Nuthulapati:	That's a very good question related with sanitizing rooms between the class section and change of students? 
00:30:14	Sri Lalitha Nuthulapati:	some classes are immediate one after the another with just 10 mins break. How is it sanitized.
00:30:33	claudia.simon:	Quick clarification question.... will the document, scheduled to be released on August 7th, be sent to all staff, faculty and students?  thank you
00:30:35	Justin Walden:	If a faculty member tests positive, will they be required to get subsequent tests to show they are negative?
00:31:39	Marc Wallman:	Claudia, re the document of who will deliver instruction from the classroom vs. to the classroom to a remote location, it will NOT be shared to all faculty, staff, and students
00:32:51	Marc Wallman:	The provost will decide exactly who get’s it, but right now, my understanding is it will be dept. heads and advisors
00:33:00	william.wilson:	My class is full; and exceeds the reduced capacity after the capacity was declared.  I plan to teach synchronously.
00:33:11	Shuning Lu:	To echo Polly’s question, is there any clear guidance on courses with components of experiential learning (in my case, video production), where social distance is difficult to maintain?
00:33:58	william.wilson:	My class is full; and exceeds the reduced capacity after the capacity was declared.  I plan to teach synchronously. Do you have a recommendation to follow as to which students would be allowed in-residence, vs. on line
00:35:21	Jill Lodde Greives:	To piggyback on William Wilson’s question, what should be suggested to students on a waitlist, or multiple waitlists?
00:35:23	greta.gramig:	I read in a recent message that the university is reconsidering limiting in-class attendance from 75% of room capacity to perhaps 50%. Is this accurate? Or will 75% of room capacity be the policy for certain?
00:35:34	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	Students are require to wear face coverings but NDSU won’t be providing those correct?
00:36:21	Marc Wallman:	Greta, working for 50% capacity. Not certain it is final, but registrar believes it is possible.
00:37:20	Marc Wallman:	As an FYI, NDSU face covering guidelines available here: https://www.ndsu.edu/admission/risk_reduction_guidelines
00:37:32	greta.gramig:	This would make more sense because I don't think 75% accomplishes much in the way of real distancing. But when will we know? And how do we arbitrate which students can attend in person vs. not?
00:37:35	Marc Wallman:	Not sure it answers all the questions posted to the chat, just sharing it as an FYI
00:38:03	MMccourt:	Perhaps a bit off topic, but what do you know about budget issues going forward?
00:38:28	Jill Zuber:	Are their more details regarding NDSU Covid testing starting mid August (Where/Period of Time)?
00:38:59	Kimble Bromley:	Do we need to document assigned seating? If so, are there seating charts for each classroom?
00:39:08	Marc Wallman:	Jill, COVID testing info available here: https://www.ndsu.edu/admission/fall_2020_plan
00:39:44	Marc Wallman:	Includes dates and locations. NDSU people can go to any testing location in the state.
00:39:57	sherri.stastny:	and assign 5 textbooks Dr. Fitzgerald :)
00:40:44	Marc Wallman:	Ack. Jill pointed out it the testing info only shows city, not specific locations.
00:40:52	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	On COVID testing, (there was a similar question above), if a professor and student tests positive during the semester, what are the procedures that follow. Will those they came into contact with (other students, faculty, staff, etc.) be offered testing and be notified?
00:41:16	andrew croll:	what is the administrations projected casualty rate?  For students, grad students and faculty?  can you post your calculations?
00:41:38	Carrie Anne Platt:	Echoing the questions re: reporting of positive cases. Faculty colleague sent me this example from UNC and was wondering if something similar would be available at NDSU. https://carolinatogether.unc.edu/dashboard/
00:41:46	Yeong Rhee:	We collect a signed waiver form for activity courses. Is it necessary (or if we can) to collect a signed waiver form for COVID related issues as COVID is pandemic issue, not activity course issues?
If we need to collect it, can Matt Hammer or the University help with the language in the waiver form?

00:41:55	Sri Lalitha Nuthulapati:	Aug 18 - Aug 23 in Fargo it was mentioned in the site. But exactly the location to attend for covid testing is not yet mentioned. 
00:42:15	Carlos Hawley:	A boom in oral exams might be in order.
00:42:47	christina.hargiss:	what are people's experiences with online proctoring exams?  Is Yuja a good system?  I know chemistry has some experience with this but I have never used it
00:42:56	Karla Haug:	YuJa proctor is available  - can also use Respondus lockdown. 
00:43:15	Marc Wallman:	Carrie Anne Platt, HR/Student Affairs working on reporting of positive cases in some fashion. I don’t have any status update. Missed a meeting on this last week due to a scheduling conflict and haven’t gotten an update from my staff yet.
00:44:02	Carrie Anne Platt:	Thanks, Marc! I assume that instructors will be notified when a student in their class tests positive? (Matt Salafia’s question earlier)
00:44:12	Yechun Wang:	So all students will take exams remotely including students come in for in-person classes?
00:44:15	Laura Oster-Aaland:	I can comment on the reporting of positive cases. Yes, NDSU is working on a reporting form for students and for employees. It should be ready next week sometime.
00:44:38	Marc Wallman:	Re testing locations, the University System has organized this. Will see what we can do to get the info updated.
00:45:08	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	Other institutions have an app for tracking and logging COVID symptoms and cases on their campuses. Does NDSU have that in progress?
00:45:23	kristi steinmann:	NDUS Testing Site info: https://ndus.edu/gettested/
00:45:53	Carlos Hawley:	Saturation exams and pyramid exams also offer greater effectiveness. They do take a lot of prep, but in the long run they amount to less prep.
00:47:30	Friedrich Littmann:	Getting a second classroom is an option.
00:48:21	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	Can instructors give extra credit to students that choose to take the class online?
00:48:46	Deirdre Voldseth:	When are we going to be notified about our final classroom assignments / location?
00:49:49	Tyler Tracy:	I have the opposite problem
00:50:06	Tyler Tracy:	 a huge room with low numbers. I can trade rooms if needed
00:50:10	Marc Wallman:	Reminder that IT is having weekly forums to prep for fall instruction. Details here: https://kb.ndsu.edu/teach
00:50:16	Marc Wallman:	Our next one is tomorrow afternoon
00:51:04	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	Maybe I missed it, but did anyone mention sanitizing processes between classes and rooms?
00:52:12	Marc Wallman:	Colin, don’t think there will be any staff disinfecting rooms in between classes. There is supposed to be cleaning solution and wipes that will be in rooms for folks to clean themselves
00:52:25	Catherine Kingsley Westerman:	Is there any consideration of classrooms beyond just the percent capacity? I.e., rooms that are particularly cramped with desks or fixed seating that don't allow room to move around?
00:52:45	Carlos Hawley:	How will distance be maintained between classes as students flow through common spaces?
00:52:48	sherri.stastny:	has it been decided about fitting up labs with hyflex equipment or not? and will instructors be consulted regarding placement of teachcing stations and camaras? thanks

00:53:49	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	Are instructors able to provide extra credits to students as another incentive to maintain safe procedures?
00:53:55	sherri.stastny:	we will need a special cleaner for the face shields for research too :)
00:54:46	Beth Twomey:	Students are already coming into the library and taking off masks when they sit down. I don't see that changing.
00:54:53	Sri Lalitha Nuthulapati:	for in-class sessions, is there a pre-check temperature for each and every student in the class before they enter into class room? 
00:56:09	Kalpana Katti:	how do instructors enforce safety procedures from students - such as wearing masks etc.
00:56:30	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	And would students be notified if a faculty member was postitive?
00:56:55	Ronald Degges:	Will some classes be asked to move to smaller classrooms to accommodate large classes?
00:56:56	Mark Engler:	Are there any resources available for students who are working remotely and have poor or unreliable internet? 
00:58:15	christina.hargiss:	Is a list of students that were in a room a certain day good enough or does it have to be a seating chart?  Also, wouldn't all students in the class be notified if positive test or only within a certain distance of the person?
00:58:30	Maria Alfonseca Cubero:	If the instructor is teaching remotely, who keeps track of the seating charts of students who are in the classroom?
00:58:31	Marc Wallman:	Sherri Stastny, re cameras in teaching labs, it’s on the radar for those scheduled by the registrar. Off the top of my head, I can’t answer exactly what spaces we had budget for cameras for. Need to look it up and it is probably mixed. In any case, those that we have ordered equipment for will probably not have cameras installed at the start of the semester.
00:58:39	Phil McClean:	When will we know what equipment is in our classroom, and when can we visit the classroom to learn the technology.  Is a list available that describes the equipment that is (or will) in our classroom.
00:59:21	Jill Lodde Greives:	How many students could the Ballroom hold at max?
00:59:30	kristi steinmann:	@Phil, we will have this classroom equipment list available at the end of this week.
00:59:31	Marc Wallman:	Phil McClean, our goal is to have a list published of what tech is where by Friday of this week. Plan is to update it as we get gear installed.
00:59:58	Marc Wallman:	Jill, max ballroom capacity is ~500
01:00:48	Marc Wallman:	Clarification: Capacity is about ~500 for full ballroom at 100% capacity
01:01:14	Justin Walden:	Thank you Dr. Fitzgerald for hosting this … and Marc for answering questions as they come up. This cannot be easy.
01:01:46	Carrie Anne Platt:	They need to sign a waiver if they are driving themselves. Safety Office has that paperwork.
01:04:15	Marc Wallman:	Not sure what tool you are going to use for bring in remote students or delivering instruction to the classroom from a remote location? Check out the tool comparison we have here: https://kb.ndsu.edu/page.php?id=104067
01:06:14	Jill Lodde Greives:	Can this be asked of the students again BEFORE leaving campus?
01:06:34	Jill Lodde Greives:	In the event we have to go fully remote again
01:08:32	Beth Twomey:	Doesn't help staff in public positions like the library and union. We are very concerned about exposure.
01:10:51	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	Again, I don’t know the rules on when instructors can offer extra credit, but studnets will do nearly anything for some extra credit (aka wear a mask)
01:11:42	Marc Wallman:	Jill, re student access to internet and technology, will touch base with Laura Oster Aaland and Casey Peterson on this
01:11:50	Mark Harvey:	I love the idea of outdoor classes . . . at least for the occasional option.
01:12:40	Shannon Ueker:	The NW corner of Albrecht and Cent, near Animal Sci is lovely...but maybe not with construction across street now. Haha :)
01:12:56	Sri Lalitha Nuthulapati:	outdoor classes -- even I like the idea 
01:13:05	Marc Wallman:	Looking at where we can provide wifi outside
01:13:33	Marc Wallman:	There is currently significant signal bleed from buildings, but the babbling brook is our only outdoor space that is currently designated for outdoor wifi
01:15:05	Kent Rodgers:	Does the ND Dept. of Health have the resources to achieve contact tracing of all COVID-19 cases on all NDUS campuses if there are multiple outbreaks?  If not, does NDSU have a contingency plan to collaborate with the Dept of Health to accomplish tracing on a meaningful time line?
01:16:09	Carol:	Kent Rodgers - I am doubtful that sufficient capacity exists.
01:16:18	Ganapathy Mahalingam:	Thank you!
01:16:22	Simone Ludwig:	Thank you
01:16:28	Colin Delisi | NDSU:	Thank you!
01:16:33	Carol:	Thank you