Natural Resources Management Masters Theses
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Item Assessment of Wetland Water Quality and Plant Species Composition across the Rural, Peri-Urban, and Urban Gradient(North Dakota State University, 2017) Steinman, AlexisThe Prairie Pothole Region, specifically eastern North Dakota, has experienced intense disturbance from agricultural demands and urban sprawl. This study assessed wetlands across the rural, peri-urban, and urban gradient to determine the impacts of urbanization on water quality and vegetation composition. Thirty wetlands were randomly selected and compared based on land use type and the impervious to pervious surface ratio within one mile of each wetland. Water quality samples were taken in 2015 and 2016, and a vegetation assessment was completed at all wetlands. Results indicate disturbance from urbanization impacts wetland water quality and vegetation composition. Rural wetland water quality and vegetation significantly differ from both peri-urban and urban wetlands, whereas peri-urban and urban wetland water quality and vegetation do not differ. Information from this study is useful to wetland professionals across the globe as urban development and sprawl continue to impact wetlands.Item Biological Capability of Selected Ecological Sites in the Western Dakotas(North Dakota State University, 2015) Klempel, Lauren NicoleSharp-tailed grouse habitat on the Dakota Prairie Grasslands are assessed by habitat structure with the use of the Robel pole to measure visual obstruction readings (VOR). The purpose of this study was to determine 1) if all selected ecological sites (loamy, thin loamy, and claypan) are biologically capable of producing high structure (VOR > 3.5 in) with 3 years of protection from livestock grazing and 2) if strong and consistent correlations exist between standing crop and visual obstruction among ecological sites and across years. Results showed that 1) all selected ecological sites were biologically capable of producing high structure, 2) strong correlations between standing crop and visual obstruction were not consistent among ecological sites and across years, 3) year effects were evident in plant community composition, and 4) 2,534 kg∙ha-1 (se ± 205.3) of standing crop provides the mean threshold to determine if the selected ecological sites are biologically capable.Item The Carbon Negative System: An Innovative System for Sustainable Community Development(North Dakota State University, 2016) Monroe, Jade MarilynIt is understood civilization may be entering the Anthropocene Epoch, characterized by human influences on Earth’s geology and environment. A growing body of literature highlights the ecological concerns affiliated with anthropocentric influences on the environment. This study indicates climate change and global CO2 emissions as an area of concern, and proposes the Carbon Negative System as a potential solution of many. The Carbon Negative System is comprised of three steps: land use and prairie vegetation, biochar process, and the system benefits. To illustrate these steps and to test the system’s viability, a case-study analysis was applied to the community of Fargo, North Dakota. The system is described and its benefits were indicated. A carbon budget and economic analysis were determined, and the system was applied to a resilience framework to synthesize the findings. Keywords: community development, biochar, prairie vegetation, ecosystem services, resilience, Anthropocene, climate change, carbon emissionsItem Change in Reference Condition Wetlands and Road Dust Impacts on Spider Mites(North Dakota State University, 2017) Fritz, Savannah JoyIncreased disturbance from agriculture and the changing climate in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of North Dakota may cause shifts in vegetation on wetland systems as well as increases in spider mite populations on soybeans. Part of this study focuses on wetlands functioning at the highest ecological state, or reference condition. Wetland plants serve as a good indicator for assessing wetland condition. The past and present Floristic Quality Index scores at each wetland site were significantly different (p < 0.05), indicating that vegetation at reference wetlands have declined in condition. Increased agriculture also leads to an increase in road dust on soybean fields, which increases the population of spider mites. Three separate experiments were completed on contained plaster arenas. These experiments produced mixed results. Spider mites produced more eggs on dusted arenas (p < 0.05) in experiment one while experiment two and three yielded the opposite result.Item Climate Change throughout the Dakotas(North Dakota State University, 2016) Uecker, Benjamin RobertHow is the climate changing on a county level throughout North Dakota (ND) and South Dakota (SD)? To determine this answer, 13 different climate variables were analyzed: temperature minimums and maximums, precipitation, growing degree days (GDD), season length, first and last frost dates, standardized precipitation index (SPI), Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), evapotranspiration (ET), solar radiation, dew point and wind speed. Annual and monthly climatic trends, per decade, were developed and analyzed by county. These climatic variables show various changes throughout North Dakota and South Dakota by either increasing, decreasing or staying the same.Item A Comparison of Rangeland Monitoring Techniques for Relative Species Abundance in Northern Mixed Grass Prairie(North Dakota State University, 2014) Field, AaronClipping by species is one of the most accurate methods available for determining species composition. However, cost and time constraints often make clipping by species impractical on any large scale. Our objective was to determine whether either of two less labor intensive methods (line point intercept, quadrat frequency frame) could provide suitable alternatives to clipping. Data was collected as part of a rangeland monitoring project on the Dakota Prairie Grasslands. Each method was used to inventory grassland plant species within the same plots, which allowed us to analyze the results for each method side by side. Our findings indicate that for relative rankings of species abundance, both line point intercept and quadrat frequency frames produce a similar result as clipping and could be used interchangeably. We suggest using either line point intercept or quadrat frequency frames to produce such a list because of the reduced time inputs involved.Item Corn Stover Removal Effects on Irrigated Sandy Outwash Soils in North Dakota(North Dakota State University, 2015) Sanders, Dwayne PaulRecent interest in utilizing corn (Zea Mays L.) stover for cellulosic ethanol and supplements for distillers' grain in livestock rations has increased corn stover demand. A study was established to evaluate corn stover removal on selected soil properties in irrigated sandy outwash soils under no-tillage management including continuous corn and corn-soybean (glycine max) rotations. For continuous corn, increasing stover removal rates (0 to 100%) increased the wind erodible soil fraction (25.4 to 36.6%), decreased the field-moist water stable soil aggregates (58.78 to 48.3%) and water infiltration rates (22.4 to 8.6 cm/hr). Water infiltration rates decreased in the corn phase of the corn-soybean rotation (16.8 to 10.8 cm/hr) and air-dry water stable aggregates decreased in the soybean phase of the corn soybean rotation (88.1% to 77.7%) for 100% removal when compared to 0% removal. Longer-term evaluation of stover removal is needed to fully evaluate stover removal effects on soil properties.Item Crop Price and Land Use Change: Forecasting Response of Major Crops Acreage to Price and Economic Variables in North Dakota(North Dakota State University, 2015) Soares, Abilio BarrosThe objective of this study is to examine land use change for cropping systems in North Dakota. Using Seemingly Unrelated Regression with full information maximum likelihood estimation method, acreage forecasting models for barley, corn, oats, soybean, and wheat were developed to examine the extent to which farmers’ expectations of prices and costs affect their crop choices. The results of the study show that farmers’ decision for acreage allocation is varied across the crops depending on how responsive they are to price, cost and yield of its own and competing crops. Substitutability and complementarity relationship of crops in the production have positive effect on crops selection when facing price, cost, and yield changes. In addition, the results revealed that expected prices have little effect on acreage response compared to expected costs and yield variables in most of the crop models.Item Effectiveness and Simulated Impacts of Produced Water as a Dust Abatement in Western North Dakota(North Dakota State University, 2016) Graber, Kayla MarieA road dust abatement alternative that has been considered in the Bakken and Three Forks formations is oil-well produced waters. Three previously untreated gravel roads were selected and passive dust collectors were utilized. The objectives of this study were to: 1) simulate produced water’s potential impacts to gravel road materials; 2) compare dust loading at abated and control sites to determine effectiveness; and 3) identify the elemental differences in the dust at abated and control sites. Electrical conductivity has the greatest influence on dispersion probability and clay mineralogy of the road influences the probability of dispersion. Produced water failed to reduce dust on two of the three roads that were tested. Elements that were found to be significantly different included Mo, Mn, Fe, As, Au, and Hg. Results of this study are important to road managers who are contemplating the usage of produced waters to reduce dusts from gravel roads.Item Effects of Sediment Removal on Vegetation Communities in Prairie Pothole Wetlands in North Dakota(North Dakota State University, 2011) Smith, Caitlin LangworthyThe goal of this study was to assess effects of sediment removal on vegetation communities in Prairie Pothole wetlands in North Dakota to determine if this management technique is providing desired results to create conditions for ideal vegetation communities in wetlands that will benefit wildlife. This project consists of vegetation surveys from seasonal wetlands located in Benson, Eddy. Towner. and Wells counties in North Dakota. Three types of wetlands were surveyed: natural (reference), excavated (treatment), and converted cropland. Vegetation surveys were completed in the shallow marsh and wet meadow zones of seasonal wetlands. Sites were sampled using a modified Daubenmire method. Aerial photos were assessed to determine the occurrence of drawdown cycles in wetland sites. Plant communities were analyzed using non-metric multidimensional scaling and multi-response permutation procedure was used to make comparisons between sites. The wet meadow zones and shallow marsh zones of the three types of wetlands were all significantly different (p<0.016) from one another. In general, restored wetlands show vegetation trends that liken natural wetlands while those that have been allowed to recover without restoration tend to be cattail choked. When examining hybrid cattail specifically visual obstruction scores were approximately four times greater in converted cropland sites versus treatment or reference sites. Vegetation composition indicates hydrologic conditions (fresh to brackish conditions) of specific sites and regional distribution are likely influential factors in wetland plant establishment.Item Environmental Socialization: A Case Study on Formative Influences(North Dakota State University, 2018) Herbst, JosephTwenty-first century social-ecologic systems are in the midst of a complex adaptive cycle. There is growing evidence to suggest the existence of a psycho-social developmental process whereby a person becomes situated in an environmental worldview. This process of environmental socialization has received attention in peer-reviewed journals. A case study was developed to see if qualitative methods could yield deeper insight. Depth interviewing and grounded theory analysis were used to explore student’s thoughts on formative influences deemed significant in the development of their own environmental perspective. The qualitative method used in the study was useful in probing the nuance, complexity, and significance of the student’s environmental socialization. Natural resource managers, educators, philanthropists, moral leaders, and concerned citizens can benefit when social constructs of environmental sustainability are better understood.Item Estimating the Impact to Wetlands in Western North Dakota From Dust and Road Use Increases Due to Energy Development(North Dakota State University, 2016) Creuzer, Jessica ChristineTravel on gravel roads in western North Dakota has increased in recent years due mainly to energy development and little information exists on the impacts. This project’s objective was to compare high dust impact sites and low dust impact sites to determine the effects of road dust on wetlands. Four aspects were evaluated: 1) dust loading; 2) wetland condition and function; 3) water quality; and 4) trace element changes in the soil. Dust loading was measured utilizing dust collectors. Wetlands were assessed for condition using the Index of Plant Community Integrity and North Dakota Rapid Assessment Method and function using the Hydrogeomorphic model. Monthly water quality measurements were taken and yearly soil samples. Results show greater dust loading in the high impact sites than low impact sites and spatially closer to the road. Information from this study can be used by future land managers of wetlands affected by dust.Item Evaluating Carbon Sequestration in CRP and Restored Grasslands in the North Central U.S.(North Dakota State University, 2009) Riopel, Jason AllenThe issue of global climate change raises a need for information on the management and mitigation of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). The knowledge of carbon (C) characteristics within land resources can be useful for resource managers and policy makers to make informed management decisions. Depending on land use and management, prairie soils can be considered either a source or a sink for atmospheric CO2. Soil sample cores were taken from seven different regions in the north central U.S. Over 1300 samples were analyzed to determine relationships between grassland age and soil organic carbon (SOC) levels. Sample matrices were built to compare restored grassland age classes to adjacent native grasslands and cultivated croplands in the different study regions. The samples were taken at 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm increments and were analyzed for organic carbon, inorganic carbon, and total carbon. Each region was analyzed using regression analysis to calculate SOC sequestration rates for restored grasslands over time. Restored grassland SOC sequestration rates were found to be highly variable throughout the region ranging from annual losses to annual gains of 0.59 ± 1.81 kg m-2 30 cm-1 with an overall sequestration rate of 0.09 ± 1.92 kg m-2 30 cm- 1 • Overall, as average annual temperature and precipitation increased, SOC levels also increased. Under proper management restored grasslands in the north central Great Plains can be managed and used to store atmospheric CO2.Item Evaluation of Ring-Necked Pheasant Brood Rearing Habitat and Survival on Post-Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands in Southwest North Dakota(North Dakota State University, 2013) Mazza II, MarkFrom 2008-2011, we analyzed brood habitat selection and survival of Chinese ringnecked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) from hatch until approximately 30 days post-hatch. We monitored 98 broods at two sites in Adams County, ND. These sites were previously enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program and were being managed under a multiple land use system including hayed, idled and season-long grazed land as well as no-till corn (Zea mays) and no-till barley (Hordeum vulgare) crop treatments. Measurements pertaining to the insect and vegetation community and structure were recorded at utilized brood locations and available locations within the study sites. Variability in brood survival was best explained by precipitation events, temperature, brood age a linear and quadratic time trend. Comparisons among models were made using Akaike's Information Criterion (AICc). Within our study area, no habitat selection was found in the season-long, hay, and idle treatments with respect to the habitat variables we measured.Item Factors Affecting Soil Total Mercury, Carbon and Nitrogen Distributions in Seasonal Pond Basins within a Northern Hardwood Forest in Minnesota, USA(North Dakota State University, 2016) Boche, Mikayla JaneForests are sites for mercury deposition, where accumulation in aquatic environments can occur. Soil total mercury (THg), C and N to 15 cm were studied in ten seasonal pond basins in a northern hardwood forest (Minnesota, USA). Pools and concentrations of THg were lower in uplands than in ponds, indicating downslope transport or differential deposition. In uplands, THg concentrations were the same in 0-2 and 2-5 cm depths and then decreased, whereas density peaked in 2-5 cm, highlighting the importance of bulk density on mass. Carbon and N trends were similar to THg. Apart from pond centers, strong positive relationships between THg and C were observed. Upland slope length, graminoid cover, basin area and tree height accounted for over half of THg variance at pond edge. Understanding the distribution, trends and contributing factors of soil THg can further efforts toward immobilization and sequestration, thus minimizing the potential for bioaccumulation.Item Gauging Categories of Municipal Water Use Spatially Across North Dakota in Different Size Municipalities(North Dakota State University, 2018) Ellingson, NicoleLittle is known about municipal water use in the state of North Dakota. Typically, the only water use information reported to the North Dakota State Water Commission is the amount of water withdrawn as part of a municipal water permit. The goal of this study was to expand current knowledge on municipal water use in the state. Two questionnaires were developed and administered to all cities with populations greater than 1,000 residents that were willing to participate. Questions focused on who is in charge of water-use data, how the data are recorded and stored, and if municipalities try to conserve water through various measures. Additionally, the project attempted to classify water-use data into categories and sub-categories of similar water using entities to develop per capita coefficients and normal commerce for different size cities. Results of the study will aid researchers and water managers in future water planning.Item Grassland Birds Community Dynamics, Resource Selection, and Nest Survival on Mixed-Grass Prairie Grazed by Native Colonial and Domestic Herbivores(North Dakota State University, 2017) Mack, Wyatt MackenzieInvestigators surveyed avian and vegetation composition on- and off- black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus; hereafter prairie dog) colonies to gain greater insight into community dynamics of grassland passerines. Few studies have investigated grassland bird community associations with prairie dogs, and of those limited studies aim to quantify nesting passerine habitat selection and nest success. The objective of this study was to identify community associations and factors that shape the community of grassland birds on grazed mixed-grass prairie, both on- and off-prairie dog colonies. Bird and vegetation communities, avian densities, nesting survival, and resource selection was investigated in relativity to a landscape occupied with prairie dogs. Individual species exhibited different selections in regards to different vegetation communities created by prairie dogs. This makes heterogeneity an important landscape component for maintaining diverse, robust bird and plant communities at the landscape scale.Item Groundwater Quality Vulnerability Assessment in North Dakota(North Dakota State University, 2017) Sultana, SharminIn North Dakota, arsenic and nitrate are two major groundwater contaminants. These contaminants originate from either natural geologic or anthropogenic sources. Differences in geology, hydrology, geochemistry, and chemical use explain how and why concentrations of these groundwater contaminants vary across the regions. Based on these properties, a research was carried out to identify the potential groundwater quality vulnerable regions. For vulnerability assessment, modified DRASTIC-G and Susceptibility Index model were used for arsenic and nitrate, respectively. Our research showed that approximately 21 and 28 % of the study area fall within high arsenic and nitrate vulnerable areas, respectively. Our study also identified 33 out of the 84 high risk arsenic and 16 out of 28 high risk nitrate observation wells fall within the high arsenic and nitrate vulnerability areas, respectively. These developed maps can be used as a starting point for identifying probable groundwater vulnerable areas and future decision making.Item Impact of Climate Parameters on Spring Wheat Yield in North Dakota(North Dakota State University, 2016) Mistry, PurbashaThe impacts of climate change in agriculture is a growing concern. The agricultural sector plays a significant role in North Dakota's (ND) economy, and spring wheat contributes most to the economy. This study focuses on assessing possible impacts of three climate variables on spring wheat yield in ND by building regression model. The trend of average minimum temperature, average maximum temperature, average precipitation and spring wheat yield was analyzed using Mann-Kendall test for 86 years. The study was conducted by dividing ND into 9 divisions. Increasing trend was noticed for 6 divisions for average minimum temperature and average precipitation during growing season. Northeast and Southeast division showed the strongest increasing trend for average minimum temperature and average precipitation, respectively. Eastcentral division had the most decreasing trend for average maximum temperature. Significant relationship was established between spring wheat yield and climatic parameters. The regression model was tested for forecasting accuracy.Item Impact of Nitrogen and Rhizobial Seed Inoculants on Soybean Aphid (Aphis Glycines Matsumura) Densities(North Dakota State University, 2012) Brunner, Samantha MarieSoybeans are able to obtain nitrogen from two different sources, nitrogen found in the soil (e.g. from fertilizers) and biologically fixed nitrogen (from symbiotic bacteria called rhizobia). Nitrogen source and degree of reliance on N-fixation can impact plant nitrogen dynamics, which has the potential to impact above-ground herbivore performance. We examined the impact of nitrogen availability and rhizobial association on soybean aphid biology and reproduction in a series of greenhouse and field experiments. Aphid establishment on plants was not significantly affected in any experiment. However, aphid reproduction was significantly affected by rate of nitrogen fertilization, rhizobial inoculation, and type of rhizobial seed inoculant. In general, aphid densities were not correlated with plant parameters associated with plant nitrogen or N-fixation. Producers commonly use fertilizers and rhizobial seed inoculants, thus it is important to continue exploring the mechanisms underlying how plant nitrogen dynamics impact soybean insect pests.