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Item Applying Group Perspectives: Student Behavior Change Resulting from a Co-Curricular Leadership Development Program(North Dakota State University, 2011) Almlie, Jessica MarieThis descriptive study explored undergraduate student application of leadership concepts and corresponding change in leadership behavior resulting from participation in a co-curricular leadership development program. Students who completed workshops related to effective group leadership contributed in focus group discussions regarding their application of learned skills. Students discussed applying knowledge of leadership concepts across the scope of their lives, both in and outside the classroom. This indicated a change in leadership behavior. Concepts applied emerged in five major themes: (a) addressing and managing conflict, (b) facilitating small groups, (c) appreciating and valuing diversity, (d) utilizing collaboration, and (e) accepting shared leadership. Two minor themes also emerged related to defining power and privilege and living with congruence. Implications for practice and suggestions for future research were also addressed.Item Beyond heteronormativity and the gender binary: inclusivity in rape myth acceptance scale design and sexual violence bystander intervention programming(North Dakota State University, 2024) Fierstine, MelanieSexual violence perpetuates inequalities based on a range of factors such as gender, race/ethnicity, class, age, sexuality, and ability status. However, the study of sexual violence in these areas has been limited leading to a lack of knowledge about its role in perpetuating social inequality. Understanding bystander intervention and its effects on violence prevention is complex and unclear. Three studies were conducted to investigate the use of language in the Green Dot Violence Prevention programming and the design of a sex and gender-inclusive rape myth acceptance scale. Study 1 employs Critical Discourse Analysis to analyze the language used in the Green Dot curriculum, examining its influence on social structures and meanings. Study 2 involves survey research and cognitive interviews to explore how undergraduate college students comprehend and interpret the Gender-Inclusive Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (GIIRMAS). Study 3 utilizes the Rasch validity framework to assess the psychometric properties of the Sex and Gender-Inclusive Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (SGI-RMA). Key findings in Study 1 suggest that despite the Green Dot Curriculum text’s intention to promote inclusion, empowerment, unity, and change, its use of terms such as “we and “us” (representing cisgender women) and implying the distinction with “they” and “them” (representing cisgender men) does not support the desired objectives. Study 2 revealed that while respondent’s interpretation of the item in the GIIRMAS aligned with the underlying conceptual framework, further examination identified potential issues with 11 of the 19 items that require careful consideration. Study 3 demonstrated that 10 of the 19 SGI-RMA items effectively measure the underlying construct of rape myth acceptance. The findings have implication for enhancing violence prevention programs and ensuring the use of inclusive language to challenge and debunk misconceptions around sexual violence.Item Comparing the Content and Pedagogical Knowledge of Alternatively and Traditionally Certified Agricultural Educators(North Dakota State University, 2021) Tonnessen, Kristi MarieThe purpose of this research study is to determine and describe in-service SBAE teachers’ perceived Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and challenges with non-content related classroom material. In general, PCK is the point where knowledge of teaching meets agricultural content knowledge. With the rising number of alternatively certified agricultural educators across the country, it is important to examine PCK in both traditionally and alternatively certified teachers as well as the differences between the two. Since successful classroom management is crucial to teacher retention, it is necessary to look at the differences in difficulty of implementation of various strategies. Agricultural education is diverse and involves numerous topics within the broad industry. This study also describes the sources of content knowledge among the two licensure types. It is recommended that future studies research the PCK of teachers based on years of experience and licensure route.Item Developing a Measure of Need to Matter(North Dakota State University, 2021) Hopkins, Kay MarieIn higher education research, staff is an overlooked group – especially staff that support academic areas of the university, such as advising, finance, IT, athletic academics, and libraries. Though institutions could not operate without these people, those individuals may feel like they do not matter to their work peers, department, institution, or profession. Mattering is feeling like you have significant existence in the world (Elliott, Kao, & Grant, 2004; Rosenberg & McCullough, 1981). Mattering is currently measured with self-report instruments that measure the perception of mattering. Knowing if staff feel like they matter is a critical measurement. It is only relevant if it is assumed that the degree to which an individual needs to feel they matter is similar for everyone. The purpose of this study is to develop a measure of the degree to which an individual yearns to feel that they have a significant existence to another or a larger community. Further, this study examines the psychometric properties of the newly developed instrument and its relation to outcomes such as turnover, engagement, and morale. Pragmatically, the results may help university administrators make better decisions about implementing and focusing sometimes costly interventions. This study was conducted in multiple steps. New items were first developed based upon guiding theory and existing measures of mattering. The items were then vetted by content experts and combined into a new scale. The new instrument was assessed for reliability and validity, and results were analyzed in relation to measures of employee turnover, engagement, and morale. Participants were mid-level university staff from a mid-western state university system. This band of participants includes a wide range of positions that have similar status, interact with similar groups, and are similarly compensated. The Need to Matter Scale was also tested psychometrically. The need to matter is measurable; however, each environmental system level was measured with a different scale. Though in this study the NMS did not moderate mattering and workplace outcomes as expected, there are plenty of indicators that future research might uncover more of this complex phenomenon. Implications for theory, future research, and practice are also discussed.Item Development of an Instrument to Measure Collaborative Competencies in Interprofessional Health Care Education(North Dakota State University, 2011) Gross, Carla JeanDespite the widespread endorsement of interprofessional education (IPE), health care education has not implemented the strategy to the extent expected. Decisions to adopt and implement IPE must be based on evidence indicating that the approach is superior in promoting collaboration as compared to the traditional, uniprofessional educational approach. Evidence supports that incorporating IPE into the curricula generally improves students' attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge of teamwork skills on a short-term basis. Whether IPE produces graduates who are prepared to collaborate more effectively on the health care team in practice has not been determined because valid instruments have not been developed to measure the collaborative competencies expected for health care students and professionals. This dissertation examined the psychometric properties of an instrument designed by the researcher to measure collaborative competencies in health care students. In addition, this study examined the impact of IPE on undergraduate nursing students' ability to collaborate with other members of the health care team. Using an electronic version of the instrument, data were collected during the spring semester of 2011. The convenience sample (n = 293) included baccalaureate nursing students enrolled at two midwest state universities that incorporated IPE into the curriculum and six midwest state universities that did not incorporate IPE into the curriculum. Factor analysis was conducted using two, four, five, and six factor rotations with varimax and promax rotations. The four- factor model with promax rotation provided the best defined factor structure, demonstrating a combination of empirical findings and theoretical constructs. Results indicated that patient-centered care, role clarification, interprofessional communication, and teamwork are constructs that can be used to design competencies for collaboration. The construct of conflict resolution did not emerge as a separate factor. The independent-samples t-test revealed significant differences between the mean scores for interprofessional communication (p = 0.010) and health care teamwork (p = 0.044) between non-IPE and IPE groups. One-way ANOVA analysis revealed no significant differences for gender, previous experience, or GP A. Students in the older age group (> 31) rated themselves significantly higher in the factors of role clarification (p = 0.002), interprofessional teamwork (p < 0.001), and patient-centered care (p = 0.003).Item Does Mattering Really Matter to Graduate Students?(North Dakota State University, 2021) Ost, Jodi ColleenAs graduate student attrition hovers around 50%, scholars are beginning to study what is leading to these high attrition rates (Wao, 2010). As there has been little theoretical work done on graduate student retention, a review of the literature related to undergraduate student engagement and retention provides a starting point for developing theories of graduate student engagement and retention. One theory of undergraduate student engagement and retention relates to feelings of mattering. Mattering is a sense that other people care about you as it involves facets of feeling important to others, being noticed by others, that others are proud of you, and that others rely on you (Elliot, et al., 2004; Rosenberg and McCullough, 1981). Undergraduate student theories on engagement and retention have found that as students’ sense of mattering increases, they are more likely to be engaged in their education and more likely to complete their degrees (Elliott, et al., 2004; Rosenberg and McCullough, 1981). The purpose of this study is to apply the theory of mattering to a graduate student population by using a survey tool to measure mattering developed by France (2011). While the tool was developed for use with undergraduate students, it holds promise as a tool to be used with graduate students. Along with testing France’s (2011) mattering survey tool with graduate students, this study explores the influence of mattering on three persistence variables: the importance to finish, the inclination to transfer, and the inclination to dropout. In addition to the mattering survey, the survey instrument included a brief satisfaction survey (Judge, et al., 1998) and part of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI; Kristensen, et al., 2007). The application of a CFA led to the finding that France’s UMUM15 (2011) need to be reduced to 12 items along with allowing for three correlations errors resulting in a new survey, the GSUMUM-12. Using a GSEM analysis, mattering was found to either directly or indirectly affect the three persistence variables for the graduate students participating in the survey.Item The Effect of Relationship-building Programs on the Resilience of Women in Agriculture(North Dakota State University, 2020) Bertsch, RobertThe purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between participation in relationship-building programs and online social groups, and the individual resilience of women in agriculture in the United States. Women have demonstrated a unique ability to connect farms and ranches with social resources, drive change and adaptation in agriculture, facilitate farm and ranch succession, and build community after a disaster. The capacity of agriculture and rural communities to adapt in the face of significant adversity depends on those unique abilities. Improving the resilience in women in agriculture is critical to the overall resilience of rural America. Unfortunately, most resilience interventions focus on internal psychology and do not address external, social-ecological factors for resilience. The results of this study show participation in certain relationship-building programs is associated with a significant increase in the level of some external resilience factors among women in agriculture in the U.S.Item The Effects of 'Crucial Conversations' Training on Roommate Satisfaction and Roommate Friendship(North Dakota State University, 2010) Kenfield, Mikal ChristinaThis study examined the impact of a communication skills workshop called 'Crucial Conversations' on the satisfaction and friendship levels of first-year roommate dyads. Roommate satisfaction and roommate friendship were measured for students who had attended the workshop with their roommates; for students who attended, but their roommate did not; for students who did not attend, but their roommate did; and for roommate pairs in which neither student attended. Overall, the students who attended this workshop with their roommates reported higher levels of roommate satisfaction and roommate friendship. Suggestions for further research were also offered.Item Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Practices to Increase the Academic Achievement of Economically Disadvantaged Rural Students in High Poverty Schools(North Dakota State University, 2010) Follman, Debra KayEducation is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, beginning with children in their earliest years. The greatest challenge facing public education has been the education of all students to proficiency, with the most difficult aspect of this challenge as teaching the underachieving children of poverty. The enactment of No Child Left Behind, Public Law 107-110 (NCLB) has brought increased accountability standards for public schools to the forefront. Narrowing the achievement gap for poor and minority students has become a concentrated focus. It is necessary that elementary school teachers are knowledgeable of the instructional strategies, interventions, best practices, and environments to ensure that students who live in poverty learn and achieve acceptable standards of academic excellence and school success. This study investigated the interventions implemented for increased student achievement in elementary schools in North Dakota with high-poverty enrollments. It was accomplished by examining the factors associated with lower academic achievement for children living in poverty. The study also explored the school-based practices that are perceived to help increase the academic achievement of children living in poverty. This was a quantitative survey study with a target population of 29 elementary schools in North Dakota who are considered high-poverty. Survey data from 176 elementary teachers ( 69% response rate) indicated that both rural and urban schools participated in the study. The data were collected and analyzed to ascertain basic descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOV A analysis. The comments from each section of the survey were qualitatively coded, themed, and reported. The conclusions were that the elementary schools in North Dakota, serving 40% or more students living in poverty who made Adequate Yearly Progress as determined by performance on the North Dakota State Assessment, are using a majority of the best practices reflected in the research about high high-performing, high-poverty schools. The data suggest that parenting skills and attendance issues were identified as having an effect on student achievement most often. The study revealed that there should be a concentrated effort towards parenting workshops for families living in poverty through the school and other community organizations. The study also indicated that the teachers' highest level of agreement for increasing achievement was having high expectations for all students. Teachers reported that the use of assessments to monitor progress, to measure progress, and guide instruction were utilized to a high degree. Classroom management with rules and routines established, rapid pace of instruction, and a combination of negative and positive reinforcements were also identified as being used in high-achieving schools serving students living in povertyItem Employee Perspectives Regarding Responses to Toxic Leadership in the Modern Workplace: A Q Methodological Study(North Dakota State University, 2021) Berg, Emily MarieCurrently, in the United States, four generations with four very different cultural norms are working in the workplace simultaneously. These four generations include Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, Millennials, and Generation Zers. The four generations working in the workplace at the same time may have different beliefs as to how they respond to toxic leaders. Consequently, some responses may promote toxic leadership to flourish, and other responses may suppress toxic leadership, including workplace bullying. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the range of perceptions regarding employee responses to toxic leadership in the modern workplace. As a result, this research asked employees how they tend to respond to toxic leaders and then analyzed to what extent do participant characteristics inform differing viewpoints. The toxic triangle was applied as a lens to understand the interplay between toxic leaders, a conducive environment, and followers. Specifically, this study extended followership by investigating unsusceptible followers and susceptible followers. This study employed the methods and techniques of Q methodology to illustrate the subjective viewpoints of 31 employees who worked in the United States. Using a forced distribution, participants sorted 41 statements ranging from “most uncharacteristic” to “most characteristic” according to their beliefs about how they would respond to toxic leadership. Additional qualitative data collected post Q sort and via interviews assisted with interpretation. Findings from this Q study demonstrated three distinct emergent viewpoints: Suffer in Silence (Viewpoint 1), Confront and Advocate (Viewpoint 2), and Quiet yet Concerned (Viewpoint 3). In addition, differences were noted among the three viewpoints and participants’ generational identity, toxic leadership exposure, and education. Overall, this study found that susceptible follower beliefs are consistent with those in Viewpoints 1 and 3, whereas unsusceptible follower beliefs existed in Viewpoint 2. Lastly, practical implications and recommendations for future research are presented.Item Enhancing the student nurse clinical experience through collaborative academic-hospital partnerships: the piloting and psychometric testing of a new instrument to measure nursing student perceptions of nursing staff during clinical learning experiences(North Dakota State University, 2024) Kunkel, CharysThere is a critical national nursing workforce shortage, with estimates of over 200,000 new job openings for Registered Nurses (RNs) annually through 2031 (AACN, 2022). These forecasted workforce needs challenge nursing programs to increase student enrollment (Dowling et al., 2021) while maintaining high-quality education standards. Student learning is facilitated by collaborative academic healthcare practices that provide active learning environments for students to engage in direct patient care under the direct supervision of a licensed nurse. The interactions between students and mentors within the clinical environment are essential for cultivating a sense of belonging while fostering the development of the professional nurse role. Exploring factors impacting the quality of learning experiences from a student’s perspective provides valuable information to support best practices in an ever-changing education and healthcare environment. Although research has examined nursing student perceptions of clinical learning experiences with trained faculty and preceptors (Chan, 2001; Blegen et al., 2015), there is a lack of survey instruments designed to explore the inviting behaviors of nursing staff. This project aimed to examine the psychometric properties of a new instrument designed to examine nursing student perceptions of nursing staff behaviors during clinical learning experiences. Collaborative academic healthcare practices facilitated the refinement and piloting of the survey instrument. Rasch methods were used to examine responses from nursing students enrolled in licensed practical, associate, and baccalaureate nursing programs who had attended clinical experiences at one hospital organization. Several aspects of validity were explored using Russell’s (2022) Justification of Use model and Messick’s (1994) unified framework of construct validity as a guide. Study findings reinforce the importance of examining more than one aspect of validity before using survey results to make inferences or generalizability claims.Item Exploring Potential Relationships of Mindset and Scarcity in the Inequitable Experience and Outcomes of First Generation and Low Income Students in Higher Education(North Dakota State University, 2020) Pearson, Michelle NoelFirst generation and low income college students continue to experience outcome differences despite higher education’s efforts to reduce inequality. Despite abundant research exploring intelligence mindset, there have been few attempts to explore relationships between mindset and scarcity. To reduce this gap in knowledge, and support student success, this study explored relationships between scarcity and beliefs about intelligence – including the intelligence mindset of students and the failure mindset of parents – as well as the connection between scarcity and student demographics. Survey research design was used, and participants were gathered using a census of undergraduate students of a Midwest university in spring 2020 (N = 9,760). Results indicate scarcity continues to be of vital importance to the discussion about inequity in higher education, as found in the direct relationships between perceived scarcity and student demographics, and the indirect relationship of perceived scarcity with intelligence mindset through perceived failure mindset of parents.Item Exploring the Relationship Between Dual Credit Experience and Self-Efficacy: The Perspective of First-Generation College Students(North Dakota State University, 2020) Kiemele, Laura MarieDual credit options allow high school students to enter college with college credits earned, as well as gain lived experience of the role expectations, academic rigor, and time it takes to complete college-level work. While past studies have identified benefits of dual credit for first-generation college students in particular, few have investigated the nature of that relationship. This qualitative study examined the relationship between first-generation students’ dual credit experiences and academic self-efficacy. Interviews were conducted with three first-generation college students in fall 2019. Findings indicate first-generation students who engage in a rigorous dual credit experience that results in mastery experience are more prepared for the academic expectations of college, master the role of a student, and perceive an increase in academic self-efficacy. This experience may provide first-generation students with knowledge and transition skills for college that their continuing generation peers find elsewhere. Implications and recommendations for future research are discussed.Item Factors Influencing Faculty Members' Willingness to Intervene and Refer Students Impacted by Mental Health Concerns(North Dakota State University, 2020) Johnson, Melissa JoThis study examined whether faculty members’ mental health literacy and perceptions of their role in communicating with college students influenced willingness to intervene and refer students impacted by mental health concerns to available services and support. Study participants (N=246) included faculty members from a four-year research university and a two-year community and technical college. Participants completed an online survey assessing their mental health literacy, perception of their role in communicating with students about mental health concerns, and willingness to intervene and refer students. Results indicated an overall willingness to assist students with mental health concerns, but also showed the continued existence of mental health-related stigma and a lack of training and direction for faculty. Results further revealed that faculty members’ view of their role directly impacts their confidence and willingness to intervene and refer students to help. Practical implications for institutions, as well as recommendations for future research, are discussed.Item Feminist Mentorship: Women Leading Men in Counselor Education(North Dakota State University, 2021) Hagen, Erin RachelThis Interpretative Phenomenological Study was initiated to explore the lived experiences of mentorship pairs in counselor education doctoral studies. The research question guiding this study was: what are the qualities of the mentoring relationship between female, cisgender, feminist-oriented counselor education mentors and their male cisgender traditionally-oriented doctoral counselor education mentees? This pair was identified for exploration by noting a gap in mentorship literature that recognizes the unique relational qualities and mentorship outcomes with cross-gender pairs, and the specific influence of feminist orientation on male mentees and the mentorship process. Cross-gender mentorship is addressed in literature but dominantly refers to men as mentors to women (Casto et al., 2005; Jacobi, 1991). This could sustain a tradition in which men are more likely to be mentored by men and thus more apt to perpetuate under-examined hegemonic masculinity norms (APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men, 2018). It also leaves cross-gender relationships under-examined and open to unhelpful biases attributed to heteronormative dynamics assuming an inability for women and men to connect or that connection is based on attraction rather than professional endeavors (Brown et al., 2009; Harden et al., 2009; Johnson, 2002; Schwiebert et al., 1999). Three cross-gender pairs were interviewed individually to discuss their lived experiences with feminist cross-gender mentorship. Data analysis guidelines for mutiperspectival research designs was used, completing individual case studies of the participant transcripts before moving to analysis of the pairs and then across pairs (Larkin et al., 2019). An IPA research design was chosen as complementary to feminist research in that it has potential to extrapolate rich detailed accounts of participant experiences that creates potential for systemic social change. Themes identified in this study include: an evolution of the mentorship relationship, leveling the unnecessary hierarchy, and expecting the unexpected: surprising elements and outcomes. This study confirms previous findings of feminist mentorship as “just good mentorship in practice” (Humble et al., 2006 p. 5) and fills the wide gap in understanding the importance of cross-gender mentorship for male mentees in counselor education.Item Frequency of Misconceptions About Evolution in Grade 7-12 Biology Textbooks Over Time(North Dakota State University, 2022) Breen, SarahEvolution is the unifying idea of biology. Yet it is also one of the most misunderstood ideas in biology. Misconceptions about evolution are common among students, teachers and the general public. However, because it is the central theory of biology and understanding evolution is becoming increasingly important to understanding medicine, agriculture and many other areas of modern life. Textbooks used in secondary schools are likely one of the first introductions a person has to evolution. Teachers who are not fully confident in their own knowledge of evolution will likely rely heavily on textbooks in their teaching. Therefore, misconceptions found in or reinforced by secondary textbooks will likely be transferred to students. The current study sought to explore the prevalence of misconceptions in grade 7-12 life science textbooks, whether the frequency and type of misconceptions has changed over time as well as, how and if textbooks address misconceptions.Item The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Supervising Trans Counselors in Training(North Dakota State University, 2021) Degenstein, Megan TarrynClinical supervisors should be culturally competent working with transgender counselors in training, but currently minimal research exists regarding trans counselors. The current study explores the experiences of five trans counselors or counselors in training who received clinical supervision. Qualitative data was collected by a single semi-structured interview with each participant, who self-identified as a trans counselor who received supervision within the preceding five years. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to understand participants’ interpretation of their experience, which was then interpreted by the researcher. Findings revealed four super-ordinate themes: Competent Supervision, Incompetent or Harmful Supervision, Power and Privilege Dynamics, and Supervisor Competencies Needed, plus two sub-themes related to supervisee experiences in clinical supervision. Findings suggested clinical supervisors displayed widely varying levels of competency when working with trans supervisees, and participants identified several suggestions for supervisors to increase competency with this population. More research is needed to better understand the full extent of supervisor competency working with trans supervisees.Item The Impact of Baby-Friendly Hospital Designation, Employment Status, Parity, and Other Social-Ecological Factors on Lactation Duration for New Mothers in Upstate New York(North Dakota State University, 2011) Bailey DeJong, Jennifer LynneThe purpose of this study, that analyzed the existing Feeding Your Infant (FYI) dataset, was to examine the impact of Baby-Friendly (BF) Hospital designation, employment, parity, and other social-ecological factors on lactation status at three months postpartum in upstate New York. The FYI dataset was analyzed using an adapted version of the Bronfenbrenner Social-Ecological Systems Framework. A covenience sample of 842 breastfeeding mothers was surveyed at baseline between two sites - one a BF designated hospital, and one a community-based hospital with a mature breastfeeding program. Of the 515 mothers who returned the three month survey, 409 (79.4%) were still breastfeeding. Using t-tests, Chi square, multiple correspondence analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis, the following findings were reported: Maternal age of 31 to 35 years, women with 16 or more years of education, and married women, were statistically more likely to be breastfeeding at three months postpartum than younger, unmarried, and less educated women. In addition, mothers who reported a history of "mastitis and/or breast infection", and those who expected a maternity leave greater than 3 months, were also more likely to be breastfeeding. Those who had a prior live birth, who reported having a "not fussy" baby, and those who associated breastfeeding with "convenience" were more likely to be breastfeeding. A mother's race, parity status, expected amount of paid maternity leave, perception of having a "sleepy haby," experience with engorgement, experience with sore and or bleeding nipples, and a mother's delivery site, whether BF designated or not, were not statistically significant. Within the multiple logistic regression analysis, predictors of breastfeeding status at three months postpartum were: insufficient milk, the perception of "too much time," and mothers' educational level. In light of "The 2011 U.S. Surgeon's Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding," and the growing interest in The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and the WHO/UNICEF Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, these findings have important implications for education, practice, policy, and future research.Item The Impact of Educational Technology Integration on School-Based Agricultural Education Teacher Self-Efficacy(North Dakota State University, 2019) Kleinjan, Macey RenaeThe purpose of this study was to determine the impact of educational technology integration on school-based agricultural education (SBAE) teacher self-efficacy. In-service SBAE teachers from four upper middle-western states were surveyed to assess their current teacher self-efficacy in terms of educational technology in their classroom and curriculum. According to the findings of this study, SBAE teachers are using educational technology in their classroom and curriculum daily and are only slightly confident in their ability to do so. It is recommended that teachers participate in professional development which is focused on not only how to use educational technology, but also on how to teach agriculture content using the educational technology specific to their 1:1 issued device.Item Investigating the Relationship Between Community Arts Engagements and College Students' Sense of Community(North Dakota State University, 2020) Booher, Amanda BethThis study builds upon Astin’s (2012) Input-Environment-Output conceptual framework to determine the relationship between college students (inputs), their frequency of participation in arts engagements (environment), and their sense of community (outputs), as measured by McMillan, Peterson, and Speers’ (2008) Brief Sense of Community Scale. A survey was administered to 403 college students from one mid-sized public research university in the upper Midwest region in early spring 2020. Results indicated the most frequently attended arts engagements for college students were festivals and concerts, and the least frequently reported were galas or art receptions and creative workshops. Findings also indicated a relationship exists between frequency of arts engagements and sense of community, with higher levels of arts engagements associated with higher levels of sense of community. Implications of these results for universities, community arts partners, and college students are discussed.
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