Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Bayesian Approach for Detection Classification 

      Annapureddy, Anupama Reddy (North Dakota State University, 2011)
      The objective of this paper is to develop and test a software system that uses incomplete information from a collection of sensors to classify different objects present in a particular area with a pre-specified probability. ...
    • Maximizing Sensor Coverage using Displacement to Remove Overlaps 

      Fazal, Kareemullah Khan (North Dakota State University, 2011)
      Sensor networks are wireless networks with small, low-cost sensors which collect and disseminate environmental data. They are used for monitoring and controlling physical environments from remote locations with better ...
    • Outlier Identification in Sensor Network Clock Synchronization 

      Voorhees, William Davis (North Dakota State University, 2010)
      We first present a survey of clock synchronization research that describes the problem and various challenges to implementing an efficient protocol for clock synchronization in sensor networks. We then present several ...
    • Path Planning under Failures in Wireless Sensor Networks 

      Paturu Raghunatha Rao, Nityananda Suresh (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      This paper explores how an all pair shortest path can be obtained in a wireless sensor network when sensors fail. Sensors are randomly deployed in a predefined geographical area, simulating the deployment of sensors from ...