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dc.rightsNorth Dakota State Universityen_US
dc.titleThe Virulence and Potential Destructiveness of Wheat Leaf Rust in North Dakotaen_US
dc.descriptionThe article discusses the contagious nature of Wheat leaf rust and it's potential impact on North Dakota's wheat crop. This disease is prone to mutations or hybridization making the eradication of it problematic. A knowledge of race frequencies, virulence on common varieties and virulence associations on single gene lines is essential for the release of wheat varieties resistant to prevalent leaf rust populations.This article reviews a study conducted to determine the resistance of numerous wheat varieties and experimental lines grown under different environmental conditions. Rust severity and host pathogen reaction types were recorded for hard red spring, durum and winter wheats grown in these nurseries. The potential destructiveness of wheat leaf rust was assessed by comparing yields of plots sprayed with fungicides to yields of untreated plots. It was concluded that this disease was not controlled by application of sprayed fungicide due to the ability of this disease to change and that it represented a serious threat to North Dakota's commercially grown wheat lines. .
dc.creator.authorStatler, Glen D.
dc.relation.ispartofFarm Research; 29:2; Nov/Dec 1971

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