Now showing items 3581-3600 of 8985

    • Grossliebental Liebental District #1 

      Unknown author (2008-05)
      Zentral Schule by Church. Photographs by Melvin Bender.
    • Miscellaneous #8 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Wooden cross at the cemetery at the village of Kathariental (Beresan Enclave) in memory of the church that is no longer standing.
    • Miscellaneous #7 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Ted Weisenburger, Phoenix, AZ, reviewing an historical German document in the former Lutheran church in his ancestral German village of Grossliebental (Liebental Enclave) near Odessa.
    • Monastery in Weilderstadt and Uebensell, Germany #7 

      Unknown author (2008-05)
      Monastery in Weilderstadt Village, Germany; city wall around village. Photographs by JoAnne Mertz Gauper.
    • Monastery in Weilderstadt and Uebensell, Germany #6 

      Unknown author (2008-05)
      Monastery in Weilderstadt Village, Germany; city wall around village. Photographs by JoAnne Mertz Gauper.
    • Miscellaneous #6 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Former Catholic church in the village of Speyer (Beresan Enclave) and today a Ukrainian Orthodox church.
    • Monastery in Weilderstadt and Uebensell, Germany #5 

      Unknown author (2008-05)
      Monastery in Weilderstadt Village, Germany; city wall around village. Photographs by JoAnne Mertz Gauper.
    • Miscellaneous #5 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Root cellar in the Black Sea German villages.
    • Monastery in Weilderstadt and Uebensell, Germany #4 

      Unknown author (2008-05)
      Monastery in Weilderstadt Village, Germany; city wall around village. Photographs by JoAnne Mertz Gauper.
    • Miscellaneous #4 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Antonina Wasili (Welk) Iwanowa and Bishop Joseph Werth, Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia, pray at the cemetery in the village of Selz (Kutschurgan Enclave). Bishop Werth joined the tour group in Odessa. Antonina was born in ...
    • Monastery in Weilderstadt and Uebensell, Germany #3 

      Unknown author (2008-05)
      Monastery in Weilderstadt Village, Germany; city wall around village. Photographs by JoAnne Mertz Gauper.
    • Monastery in Weilderstadt and Uebensell, Germany #2 

      Unknown author (2008-05)
      Monastery in Weilderstadt Village, Germany; city wall around village. Photographs by JoAnne Mertz Gauper.
    • Miscellaneous #3 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Dr. Dona Reeves Marquardt and Dr. Lewis Marquardt review German archival documents at the Odessa Scientific Library.
    • Monastery in Weilderstadt and Uebensell, Germany #1 

      Unknown author (2008-05)
      Monastery in Weilderstadt Village, Germany; city wall around village. Photographs by JoAnne Mertz Gauper.
    • Miscellaneous #2 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Valuable books in collections of Odessa library archives.
    • Miscellaneous #1 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Valuable books in collections of Odessa library archives.
    • Bundestreffen #8 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Bundestreffen, June, 1996, Stuttgart, Germany.Edwin Iszler, Streeter, ND, visits with relatives at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Stuttgart.
    • Stuttgart, Germany and Alsace, France #8 

      Unknown author (5/28/2008)
      Church in Sessenheim, France. Photographs by JoAnne Mertz Gauper.
    • Bundestreffen #7 

      Unknown author (1996)
      Bundestreffen, June, 1996, Stuttgart, Germany.Children and teacher review American photographs in the former German village of Peterstal (Liebental Enclave) near Odessa.
    • Stuttgart, Germany and Alsace, France #7 

      Unknown author (2008-05)
      Main Street in Alsace, France. Photographs by JoAnne Mertz Gauper.