Now showing items 4721-4740 of 8986

    • Odessa State Archives #3 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Dr. Norman Zeller and his son, Dr. Kurt-Alexander Zeller, Portland, OR, reviewing documents of German villages. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Odessa State Archives #2 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Dr. Lee Keck, Bethany, CT, reviewing maps to locates villages. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Odessa State Archives #1 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      (l-r): Dean Sane, Mississauga, ON, Canada; John Teske, Falls Church, VA; and Phyllis Ryan Pearce, Alta Loma, CA, reviewing materials. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Tarutino and Bessarabian Villages #7 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Ukrainian couple at noontime milking their cow near Bessarabian villages. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Tarutino and Bessarabian Villages #6 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Gravestone at Tarutino cemetery (unable to identify), 1910. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Tarutino and Bessarabian Villages #5 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Gravestone at Tarutino cemetery of Julian Miller, 1831-1925. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Tarutino and Bessarabian Villages #4 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Gravestone at Tarutino cemetery of Emil Brosz (Bross), 1902. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Tarutino and Bessarabian Villages #3 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Dr. Ralph Tarnasky, Bismarck, ND, and Cecilia Samoylenko of Tarutino, Ukraine, former Bessarabian village. Cecilia remembers Tarnasky family members in Tarutino. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Tarutino and Bessarabian Villages #2 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Ukrainian farmer cutting hay and loading stacks. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Tarutino and Bessarabian Villages #1 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Herdsmen watching cows near Bessarabian village. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Karlsruhe, Beresan District #5 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Iron cross at German grave site. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Karlsruhe, Beresan District #4 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Betty Baron Thatcher of Tigard, Oregon, standing at the site of the former German cemetery at Karlsruhe where her father was born. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Karlsruhe, Beresan District #3 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Tour members searching for German gravestones in the village of Karlsruhe. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Karlsruhe, Beresan District #2 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Geese are in abundance throughout the villages as they were when Germans lived there years ago. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Karlsruhe, Beresan District #1 

      Unknown author (2011-01-12)
      Distant view of the former Catholic church in the village of Karlsruhe, Beresan District (today Kalestrovo, Ukraine). Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Liebental Villages #1 

      Unknown author (2001-06)
      Monsignor Joseph Senger stands by iron cross of a common grave for Germans killed in Josefstal. Photographs by Monsignor Joseph Senger.
    • Liebental Villages #2 

      Unknown author (2001-06)
      Herd of milk cows and villagers in the Liebental villages. Photographs by Monsignor Joseph Senger.
    • Bundestreffen, Stuttgart, Germany #6 

      Unknown author (2001-06)
      Father Joseph Senger, Minot, ND, shows location of German villages on maps. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Bundestreffen, Stuttgart, Germany #5 

      Unknown author (2001-06)
      Margaret Aman Freeman, Redondo Beach, CA, shows Glückstal publication and Karl Stumpp map. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.
    • Bundestreffen, Stuttgart, Germany #4 

      Unknown author (2001-06)
      Harold Ehrman, Pacific Palisades, CA, reviews Glückstal publications. Photographs by Michael M. Miller.