Now showing items 81-100 of 2184

    • Miscellaneous #2 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Visiting the German resettlement project near Peterstal, Liebental district; Ron Vossler and Cora Wolf Tschaekofske visit two women who recently immigrated to southern Ukraine from Kazakhstan and Siberia, Russia.
    • Kutschurgan #14 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Mannheim. Catholic Church of the Assumption, Selz. The Ukrainian wild flowers.
    • Kutschurgan #16 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Mannheim. Catholic Church of the Assumption, Selz. High school students at school in the former German village of Strassburg, Kutschurgan District (today Kutschurgan, Ukraine).
    • Miscellaneous #25 

      Unknown author (1997)
      (l-r): Ruth Klötzel and Dorothy Bader Breitling at the offices of the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, Stuttgart, Germany.
    • Miscellaneous #13 

      Unknown author (1997)
      (l-r): Loretta Mitzel Huschka and Joan Andrews Pope at store in Odessa.
    • Miscellaneous #8 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Mary Lou Leintz Bueling (left) shares letters from North Dakota children with Ukrainians in the former Bessarabian German village of Krasna (today Krasnoe, Ukraine).
    • Kutschurgan #10 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Mannheim. Catholic Church of the Assumption, Selz. Ukrainian grave marker in Selz cemetery.
    • Kutschurgan #11 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Mannheim. Catholic Church of the Assumption, Selz. Ukrainian fetching hay.
    • Miscellaneous #23 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Ducks are abundant throughout former German villages.
    • Miscellaneous #30 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Village sign of Wintzenbach, Alsace, France.
    • St. Petersburg #4 

      Unknown author (1997)
      St. Petersburg, Russia.St. Petersburg.
    • Kutschurgan #13 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Mannheim. Catholic Church of the Assumption, Selz. Tour members walking in the cemetery of the former German village of Alexanderhilf, Liebental District, where Dr. Karl Stumpp was born.
    • Kutschurgan #2 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Mannheim. Catholic Church of the Assumption, Selz. Tour members in the home of Antonina Welk Iwanowa including (l-r): Cindy Mitzel Longtin, Loretta Mitzel Huschka, Antonina Wasili (Welk) ...
    • Miscellaneous #6 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Restored church in the former Bessarabian German village of Sarata (today in Ukraine).
    • St. Petersburg #11 

      Unknown author (1997)
      St. Petersburg, Russia. Church of the Resurrection of Christ.
    • Miscellaneous #20 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Mary Lou Bueling (left) visits with Krasnoe school librarian and teacher about textbooks used.
    • St. Petersburg #5 

      Unknown author (1997)
      St. Petersburg, Russia.View from the airplane of the landscape near Odessa, Ukraine.
    • Miscellaneous #17 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Cemetery in Ukrainian pasture.
    • St. Petersburg #3 

      Unknown author (1997)
      St. Petersburg, Russia. St. Petersburg.
    • Kutschurgan #6 

      Unknown author (1997)
      Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Mannheim. Catholic Church of the Assumption, Selz. Catholic church in Kandel, Kutschurgan District (today Rybalskoje, Ukraine).