Now showing items 1401-1420 of 2184

    • Villages of Glueckstal, Bergdorf and Kassel, Glueckstal District #3 

      Unknown author (2007-05)
      Road sign in Moldova - Grigoriopol. Photographs by Ed Zuern.
    • Villages of Glueckstal, Bergdorf and Kassel, Glueckstal District #2 

      Unknown author (2007-05)
      Dinester River. Photographs by Ed Zuern.
    • Villages of Glueckstal, Bergdorf and Kassel, Glueckstal District #1 

      Unknown author (2007-05)
      Shrine to protect drivers along the road. Photographs by Ed Zuern.
    • Village of Landau, Beresan District #5 

      Unknown author (2004-05)
      Landau Orthodox Church. Standing in front are Emily Madison, Bettsy Madison Williams and Agatha Doll Madison. Photographs by Bettsy Madison Williams.
    • Village of Landau, Beresan District #4 

      Unknown author (2004-05)
      A common form of transportation. Photographs by Bettsy Madison Williams.
    • Sessenheim #10 

      Unknown author (2010-05-28)
      Visiting Sessenheim and Flammkuchen lunch at the Heinz Cafe, Alsace, France, 28 May 2010. Photographs by Michael M. Miller
    • Village of Landau, Beresan District #3 

      Unknown author (2004-05)
      Alex Honcharenko bringing his cows home. Photographs by Bettsy Madison Williams.
    • Sessenheim #9 

      Unknown author (2010-05-28)
      Visiting Sessenheim and Flammkuchen lunch at the Heinz Cafe, Alsace, France, 28 May 2010. Photographs by Michael M. Miller
    • Village of Landau, Beresan District #2 

      Unknown author (2004-05)
      Landau grain mill. Photographs by Bettsy Madison Williams.
    • Sessenheim #8 

      Unknown author (2010-05-28)
      Visiting Sessenheim and Flammkuchen lunch at the Heinz Cafe, Alsace, France, 28 May 2010. Photographs by Michael M. Miller
    • Village of Landau, Beresan District #1 

      Unknown author (2004-05)
      Photo of Landau; (left to right): theater (building constructed by Germans), public school, roof tops of the Boarding School, and the grain mill. Photographs by Bettsy Madison Williams.
    • Sessenheim #7 

      Unknown author (2010-05-28)
      Visiting Sessenheim and Flammkuchen lunch at the Heinz Cafe, Alsace, France, 28 May 2010. Photographs by Michael M. Miller
    • Sessenheim #6 

      Unknown author (2010-05-28)
      Visiting Sessenheim and Flammkuchen lunch at the Heinz Cafe, Alsace, France, 28 May 2010. Photographs by Michael M. Miller
    • Sessenheim #5 

      Unknown author (2010-05-28)
      Visiting Sessenheim and Flammkuchen lunch at the Heinz Cafe, Alsace, France, 28 May 2010. Photographs by Michael M. Miller
    • Katarinental Village, Beresan District #5 

      Unknown author (2004-05)
      Katarinental Cultural Museum; (left to right): Agatha Doll Madison, curator Antonina Ivanovna, Bettsy Madison Williams, and Emily Madison. The tree behind them has the names of the German families who in 1938 were either ...
    • Sessenheim #4 

      Unknown author (2010-05-28)
      Visiting Sessenheim and Flammkuchen lunch at the Heinz Cafe, Alsace, France, 28 May 2010. Photographs by Michael M. Miller
    • Katarinental Village, Beresan District #4 

      Unknown author (2004-05)
      The markers in the center of Katharinental where once stool the Catholic Church; (left to right): Agatha Doll Madison, her daughter, Bettsy Madison Williams, and granddaughter, Emily Madison. There generations of the Madison ...
    • Sessenheim #3 

      Unknown author (2010-05-28)
      Visiting Sessenheim and Flammkuchen lunch at the Heinz Cafe, Alsace, France, 28 May 2010. Photographs by Michael M. Miller
    • Katarinental Village, Beresan District #3 

      Unknown author (2004-05)
      The pone where the cattle are watered. Photographs by Bettsy Madison Williams.
    • Katarinental Village, Beresan District #2 

      Unknown author (2004-05)
      Same view of Katharinental, west side. Photographs by Bettsy Madison Williams.