Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Garrison Diversion Unit Biological Investigations: 1979 Annual Report
This progress report summarizes biological data collected in the Annual Report (USBR 1979). These studies were undertaken to update and improve the information on existing wildlife resources.
A Scientific and Policy Review of the Final Environmental Statement for the Initial Stage, Garrison Diversion Unit, North Dakota
The Institute of Ecology, a private organization funded by the Ford Foundation, has published "A Scientific and Policy Review of the Final Environmental Statement for the Initial Stage, Garrison Diversion Unit." Included ...
Report on Investigation of Alternatives in the Souris Section, Garrison Diversion Unit, North Dakota
The initial stage of Garrison Diversion Unit will divert Missouri River water in North Dakota to irrigate 250,000 acres of land, provide water supplies for municipalities and industries, enhance fish and wildlife, and ...
In the Matter Of: Environmental impact Statement on the 96,000 Acre Plan and Alternates
Public hearings held in Minot, Devils Lake, and Jamestown, North Dakota on March 28, 29, 30, 1978.