Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Environmental Assessment, Revised General Management Plan: Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, North Dakota.
This plan sets forth the basic management philosophy for Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site (KNRI) and provides strategies for addressing issues and achieving identified management objectives. This document ...
Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site: Statement for Management
The statement for management (SFM) provides an up-to-date inventory of the park's condition and an analysis of its problems. It does not involve any prescriptive decisions on future management and use of the park, but it ...
Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, North Dakota: General Management Plan. [Revised August 1986]
The purpose of this revised GMP is to set forth the basic management strategies for achieving identified objectives. It also outlines the appropriate level of development necessary to provide visitor use and enjoyment of ...