Now showing items 1-10 of 29
Roughrider... A Winterhard, High Yielding Hard Red Winter Wheat Variety
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-23)
Four-Wheel Drive Tractors in North Dakota--Their Uses and Reason for Purchase
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-22)
1974: Second Year of Sharp Farmland Value Increases
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-22)
1975--Continued Increases in Farmland Values
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-23)
Effect of Agronomic Practices on Apparent Sucrose and Invert Sugar Levels During Storage of Sugarbeets (Beta Vulgaris L.)
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-23)
Perezia pyraustae: Its Influence on Overwintering Survival and Spring Pupation In Corn Borer Populations
(North Dakota State University, 2010-07-14)
North Dakota Farm Leasing in 1975
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-23)
Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Percentage of Crown Tissue and Quality of Sugarbeets
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-23)
Pregnancy Diagnosis in the Ewe II. Plasma Progesterone Levels
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-23)
The Effect of Soluble Salts on Soil Water Availability
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-23)