Now showing items 1-10 of 46
The Importance of Carbohydrates In Relation To Milling and Baking
(North Dakota State University, 1976)
Research Summary Report...Very Early Seeding of Wheat and Barley
(North Dakota State University, 1973)
The Quality of North Dakota's 1972 Hard Red Spring Wheat
(North Dakota State University, 1973)
A New Sampling Plan For the North Dakota Wheat Quality Survey
(North Dakota State University, 1974)
Roughrider... A Winterhard, High Yielding Hard Red Winter Wheat Variety
(North Dakota State University, 2010-06-23)
The Canadian Wheat Marketing System
(North Dakota State University, 1975)
Wheat Leaf Rust in North Dakota in 1972
(North Dakota State University, 1973)
Seedling Blight and Crouwn Rot Resistance of Durum and Hard Red Spring Wheat
(North Dakota State University, 1973)
Effect on Wheat Quality of Air Flow and Temperatures in Mechanical Dryers
(North Dakota State University, 1973)
Proper Management--Key to Successful Winter Wheat Recropping in Northern Great Plains
(North Dakota State University, 1976)