On Authentication of Long Messages in Short Time for Resource Constrained Sensor Networks
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North Dakota State University
This thesis is a collection of three different research contributions targeted towards
providing faster message authentication for long messages which have been recently accepted or
submitted for publication. The first research work explores properties of Multiple Input Shift
Register (MISR) as a universal hash function. We implemented a fixed length message
authentication code (MAC) based on MISR in software. Signing or verification time of new
MAC is two order less compared to existing MAC. The second contribution is a variable length
MAC based on MISR for use in smart grid networks. We prove security of the MAC scheme and
analyze its performance pertaining to smart grid application.The third contribution suggests use of one-time signatures (OTS) from sigma protocols
for multicast authentication in smart grid. The proposed scheme yields three order improvements
in time performance at a very modest increase in signature size compared to currently best
known OTS scheme.