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dc.contributor.authorKleist, Lane
dc.description.abstractWhy is it necessary to provide a decision making model? Why do we feel the need to make rational decisions? The major goal in researching this topic is to provide data which architects can use to illustrate to their clients the most logical decision for the given instance. Rather than a client making important decisions based on hear-say evidence, information can be gathered to create a decision making guide, which will point to a clearly prominent solution.en_US
dc.publisherNorth Dakota State Universityen_US
dc.titleCreating a Decision Making Tool: How to Decide if One Will Benefit from a Green Roofen_US
dc.typetext/working paperen_US
ndsu.collegeArts, Humanities and Social Sciences
ndsu.departmentArchitecture and Landscape Architecture
ndsu.course.nameAdvanced Architectural Design
ndsu.course.nameArchitecture Research Studio
ndsu.course.numberARCH 771
ndsu.advisorMahalingam, Ganapathy

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