Response System Application: The Right Disaster Response System
What role does architecture play in post disaster response? How can architects become more involved with responding to disasters? How do we keep in mind that
"Emergency management is not just the responsibility of emergency managers."? (Syllabus, pg.5) These were my driving questions throughout this semesters research to
develop my thesis. The research that was conducted is to provide a background to fully develop a disaster response system that has three important elements; a response system smartphone application, casualty collection units, and temporary couchette units. This semesters focus was to start developing the response system smartphone
application that can be used by emergency managers, first responders, hospitals, and government officials. Currently the smartphone application has been developed to the
point of producing general data based on the ideal system output numbers for the casualty collection units and the temporary couchette units. It is expected that next
semester the output of the response system smartphone application will have more solid numbers based on the final design of all unit types sent. The entire response system with every element could be a valuable resource for first responders that they currently don't have during disasters. It will also provide a uniform response system throughout the United States.