Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Detecting Sources of Ride Roughness by Ensemble Connected Vehicle Signals
It is expensive and impractical to scale existing methods of road condition monitoring for more frequent and network-wide coverage. Consequently, defects that increase ride roughness or can cause accidents will go undetected. ...
Signal Feature Extraction and Combination to Enhance the Detection and Localization of Railroad Track Irregularities
Tracks are critical and expensive railroad asset, requiring frequent maintenance. The stress from heavy car axle loads increases the risk of deviations from uniform track geometry. Irregularities in track geometry, such ...
Enhancement of Signals from Connected Vehicles to Detect Roadway and Railway Anomalies
Frequent network-wide monitoring of the condition of roadways and railways prevent fatalities, injuries, and financial losses. Even so, agencies cannot afford to inspect vast transportation networks using present methods. ...