These oral histories were collected as part of the exhibit Disasters: Stories we share, a traveling exhibit funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this oral history collection, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities (

Recent Submissions

  • Fargo Flood Oral History; Zachary Drechsel 

    Drechsel, Zachary (NDSU Libraries, 2023)
    Drechsel describes his experience helping residents in Moorhead during the floods of 1997 and 2009. his oral history was collected as part of a exhibit Disasters: Stories we share, a traveling exhibit funded by the NEH. ...
  • Disasters: the Stories We Share 

    Caro, Susanne; Chiewphasa, Ben; Kirk, Jennifer (NDSU Libraries, 2021)
    How do community-based and media-based narratives of disaster differ and how do these presentations affect communities and civic response? To answer this question, our project encourages and supports communities in sharing ...
  • Staying Above Water 

    Caro, Susanne; Raezer-Stursa, Trista; Olmsted, Chelsea (NDSU Libraries, 2020)
    For over 100 years, Red River floods defined the cities and people who experienced the rising waters – not only due to the destruction, but the feelings and relationships developed during a time of restoration. Some areas ...
  • Fargo Flood Oral History; Mark McCourt 

    McCourt, Mark (NDSU Libraries, 6/2/2022)
    Oral history by Mark McCourt describes his experience in the 1997 and 2009 floods in Fargo, ND. This oral history was collected as part of a exhibit Disasters: Stories we share, a traveling exhibit funded by the NEH. Any ...