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dc.contributor.authorHouston-Moore Group
dc.description.abstractThe proposed FM Diversion begins approximately 4 miles south (upstream) of the confluence of the Red and Wild Rice Rivers and extends west around the cities of Horace, Fargo, West Fargo, and Harwood. The 36 mile long diversion channel crosses several rivers. The project includes gated control structures at the Red and Wild Rice Rivers. It has aqueducts at the Sheyenne and Maple Rivers that allow low tributary flows to enter the interior of the project area while larger flows would be passed into the diversion. The diversion channel also crosses the Rush and Lower Rush Rivers as well as several drains. The diversion channel ultimately discharges into the Red River downstream from the Red River’s confluence with the Sheyenne River near the city of Georgetown, MNen_US
dc.publisherFlood Diversion Authorityen_US
dc.titleFinal Technical Memorandum; Diversion inlet gate analysisen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
dc.subject.lcshFlood damage protection -- North Dakota -- Fargo.
dc.subject.lcshWater diversion.
dc.subject.lcshRed River of the North.
dc.subject.lcshFlood damage prevention -- Minnesota -- Moorhead.

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