Suburban Sequel: A Safer, Walkable Brooks Harbor Community
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North Dakota State University
Brooks Harbor in West Fargo, North Dakota is a new development that expanded rapidly with
the addition of family housing. Due to its sprawl like development pattern, an analysis is done to
determine the status of environmental, social, and economic sustainability of the neighborhood.
From this analysis and through supporting research it will become known what aspects of
sustainability this community excels and lacks in. The end goal will be designing infrastructure
and infill improvements through a retrofit of the neighborhood to increase the long-term success
of the neighborhood. The early stage of a new development is when the community atmosphere
starts to form, and the culture becomes apparent to those who reside there. It is important to
note any issues of sustainability as this time because it is then, not when a community’s culture is
already established, to make changes to the environment people live in.