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dc.publisherNorth Dakota State University
dc.rightsNorth Dakota State Universityen
dc.titleCalf Scours - A Practicing Veterinarian's Viewpointen
dc.sourceFarm Research; 38:4; Jan/Feb 1981
dc.descriptionThis is a paper on ‘calf scours’ which cause severe economic losses in North Dakota each year. The article goes into the causes of this disease and offers suggestions to reduce such. Treatment costs, although economically justifiable in most cases, add considerably to the cost of production. Preventive programs involving management, sanitation and vaccination, although not cheap, are the least costly method of controlling calf scours.
dc.creatorHalvorson, Eldon
dc.subject.lcshCattle diseasesen_US
dc.creator.authorHalvorson, Eldon
dc.relation.ispartofFarm Research; 38:4; Jan/Feb 1981

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