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dc.publisherNorth Dakota State University
dc.rightsNorth Dakota State Universityen
dc.titleCommercial Fertilizer Use, Especially Nitrogen, in North Dakotaen
dc.sourceFarm Research; 37:3; Nov/Dec 1979
dc.descriptionThe author discusses commercial fertilizers in the state of North Dakota from 1960-80. Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are discussed. During this time frame, nitrogen usage experienced a strong upward trend. Soil test summaries indicated that a growing portion of summer fallow could benefit from application of nitrogen. Many acres of grasslands could benefit likewise. Determing economical Sources for nitrogen would be an important consideration for farmers. Better decisions in regard to nitrogen usage can be made using yield goals based on recommendations culled from soil test values.
dc.creatorVasey, E.H.
dc.creator.authorVasey, E.H.
dc.relation.ispartofFarm Research; 37:3; Nov/Dec 1979

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