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dc.publisherNorth Dakota State University
dc.rightsNorth Dakota State Universityen
dc.titleLeafy Spurge Physiology and Anatomyen
dc.sourceFarm Research; 40:5; Mar/Apr 1983
dc.descriptionThe authors begin by emphasizing the need to properly understand the nature and the magnitude of the troublesome weed in order to develop any control program of such. Based on this, one tries to develop an explanation for the persistence and competitiveness of the weed and to understand why existing control practices have proven effectual. One needs enough information to properly plan a strategy. This greatest part of this article delves into the nature of leafy spurge and its’ physical composition.
dc.creatorGalitz, Donald S.
dc.creatorDavis, David S.
dc.subject.lcshEuphorbia esulaen_US
dc.subject.lcshPlant biologyen_US
dc.creator.authorGalitz, Donald S.
dc.creator.authorDavis, David S.
dc.relation.ispartofFarm Research; 40:5; Mar/Apr 1983

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