Impacts of Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera Glycines) on Sugarbeet (Beta Vulgaris) and Interactions with Rhizoctonia Solani

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North Dakota State University


Soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines is in the same genus as the sugarbeet cyst nematode (SBCN) Heterodera schachtii, there has been concern that SCN could also penetrate sugarbeet roots. The objectives were: 1) determine if SCN eggs hatch in the presence of sugarbeet seedlings and the larvae penetrate the roots, 2) determine at what age sugarbeet seedling are most susceptible to SCN penetration, 3) determine if SCN can penetrate sugarbeet roots under field conditions and 4) and determine if SCN could increase incidence of Rhizoctonia root rot in sugarbeet seedlings. This study demonstrated that SCN can penetrate the roots of a variety of sugarbeet. The results from the field demonstrated that SCN could penetrate sugarbeet seedlings under normal field growing conditions, and that penetration occurred in both SBCN susceptible and resistant sugarbeet cultivars. Penetration by SCN increased sugarbeet seedling root damage by R. solani under controlled conditions.


