Medical Cannabis Packaging and Labelling Concerns for Middle Aged and Older Manitobans
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North Dakota State University
Middle-aged and older adults make up the largest growing proportion of medical cannabis users in Canada, as well as the largest proportion of the population to vote in the last federal election (Elections Canada, 2020; Statistics Canada, 2019). Middle-aged, and older adults may encounter problems with the way their medical cannabis is packaged and labelled. The present study investigated how a sample of Manitobans aged 45 and older experienced their medical cannabis packaging, including the manipulation of medical cannabis packaging and readability of the labelling. Most participants reported having difficulty opening child-safe lids and the inability to clearly read the information on the label. In addition, most participants favored the use of a standardized symbol indicating the type of medical cannabis in the container, as well as receiving a large-font printout of the packaging label. Implications for policy makers and future research potentials are discussed.