An Underwater Approach

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“An Underwater Approach” is a series of theoretical premises that will develop into a master plan design. City planning and community involvement projects will be targeted at improving viability and awareness in an economically challenged town. I will explore solutions for the city of Crisfield, MD, helping to solve its current social, economical and ecological problems. The project will focus on solutions that are both ecologically and fiscally sustainable well into the future for the town of Crisfield. The town’s proximity to the waters edge as well as its rich fishing and crabbing culture will work as a platform and base for its sustainable ecotourism prospects. Newly developed ecotourism planning as well as rebuilding of the town’s ecological problems with fishing and crabbing will help secure Crisfield a financial and ecological place into the future.



Waterfronts., Piers., Restoration ecology., Ecotourism., Crisfield (Md.), Maryland.
