Nitrogen in Animal Production

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North Dakota State University



The role of nitrogen in the metabolism of protein in animals is the topic of this journal article. The aspects of food consumption, digestion, absorption and eventual utilization by the animals bodies are discussed. Growth in farm animals is synonymous with protein, which is nitrogen accumulation. Modern agricultural industry has attempted to improve efficiency in domestic food production to improve protein or nitrogen use by the animals. This is for breeding, faster gain, leaner meats and for heavier producing hens or cows. High protein or high nitrogen food stuffs for animals tended to be expensive. North Dakota was fortunate in that it was one of those states whose animal food stuffs were higher energy and higher protein. For some livestock, amino acids and proteins need to be balanced. Paragraphs headings in this article are: nitrogen needs are actually nitrogen requirements, simple stomach animals require amino acids, improved animal performance improved nitrogen metabolism, urea is most common NPN material in feeding, plant-animal aspects of nitrogen fertilization, semen storage, forage preservation, elevating protein content of silage and ruminal protein degradation affects. The need for more research into this topic concludes the article.

