A Preliminary Report...The Acceptability of Cull Pinto Beans in Rations for Growing Pigs
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North Dakota State University
The 1974 crop year was an unusual one from several standpoints. One of the undesirable attributes of the crop year was the early frost which seriously damaged several crops. Pinto beans were especially hard hit, with the extent of the loss varying from minimal to total loss. Attempts to utilize cull pinto beans as a portion of livestock feeds were hindered by a lack of information relative to the feeding value of cull pinto beans. The evaluation reported in this article
represents an attempt to provide answers concerning the feeding value of cull pinto beans for non-ruminants. Cull pinto beans were utilized in two experiments with growing swine and wo growth and digestibility experiments with rats. These beans were treated various ways to try to improve their digestibility for swine and rats. None worked. Even 10% proved too much for swine. It was not recommended at this time to incorporate culled pinto beans into pig diets.