Effect on Wheat Quality of Air Flow and Temperatures in Mechanical Dryers
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North Dakota State University
Grains grown in the Canadian Prairie Region must be driend before storing them. Damage to the grain may result if proper drying procedures and conditions were not followed. In the past, studies did not evaluate the effect on wheat quality of the air flow rate while drying, and very limited work had been conducted on drying wheat with various initial moisture content. This paper reviews a study conducted by the Agricultural
Engineering Department at the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Fargo. The objective was to determine the effects of air velocity and temperature while drying on the milling and baking qualities of Hard Red Spring wheat. Included in this study were the drying effects resulting at various initial moisture content levels. Milling and baking qualities investigated in the study
included per cent flour extracted, mixing quality, bread loaf volume and bread crumb color. Per cent germination was analyzed, also. The paper presents a second study involving Durum wheat that had been harvested wet and dried was processed by the Department of Cereal Chemistry and Technology. In all cases, grain
nearest the heat source was most severely damaged. For Durum wheat, damage due to temperature resulted in a reduction of semolina yield and quality