Chemical Fallow in a Spring Wheat-Fallow Rotation

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North Dakota State University



The article begins with an overview of the practice of fallow in farming to reduce erosion and to retain soil moisture. Herbicides have been used to control weeds during fallow periods can reduce the number of tillage operations and possibly conserve more surface residues which reduce wind and water erosion of the soil. An experimental trial study was initiated in 1974 at the Williston Experiemnt Station in order to determine whether chemicals could be used in combination with mechanical tillage to reduce tillage operations during summer fallow periods in a crop-fallow rotation. The materials and methods of this study are outlined. they discovered that the number of tillage operations required on fallow for good weed control can be reduced by the use of residual type herbicides without resulting in the reduction of spring wheat yields. Spring application of herbicides appeared more effective than fall season ones. Tiling before applying herbicides is less effective in weed control. Applying herbicides on fallow to control weed growth during a part of the fallow season can result in less fuel being used for tillage, reduces wind and water erosion by allowing the presence of ground cover and can reduce excessive tillage which adversely affects soil tilth, soil structure and which increases soil organic matter losses.

