Additive + Subtractive: Reimagining the Work of a Mid-Century Master

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North Dakota State University


How do we build upon someone else’s work in a thoughtful and meaningful way while respecting the original character of their work? The challenge is even greater when the designer and architecture are known around the world for their symbolism and innovation. This thesis is an exploratory process in the adaptive reuse of Saarinen’s iconic IBM campus in Rochester, Minnesota. It seeks to develop design ideas which suit new uses while being congruous with the existing architectural language. The size and scale of this site lends itself to additive + subjective design strategies. The iconic form provides a framework to build upon. The ideas within are not meant to be finalized solutions but are proposals for how the IBM campus may be re-purposed. By making these suggestions, it begins a conversation on how to go about adapting Saarinen’s design to suit differing needs now and in the future. Thus, through careful thought and design intervention, the over-all spirit of his original vision can be preserved.


