Comparing Genetic Modification and Genetic Editing Technolgies: Minimal Required Acreage

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North Dakota State University


There are many technologies being developed for crop breeding. Two interesting technologies are genetic modification and genetic editing. Competitive pressures and changing consumer preferences are forcing organizations to invest heavily in these two technologies. Organizations must decide which traits they want to target and must commit significant time a money to the project. Traditionally, firms would decide which project to embark on if the project is net present value positive. Throughout the research and development process managers have flexibility to abandon the project once new information is received. That flexibility has value and real option analysis must be performed to value that flexibility. Once the value of a GM and GE project is determined, how might an organization decide which project to do? The concept of minimum required acreage (MRA) is developed in this study, allowing organizations to compare GM and GE technologies and decide which project to invest it.


