POMDP Planning in Service Composition
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North Dakota State University
Automated vVeb service composition is becoming an increasingly important
research topic. It describes the automatic process of composing atomic services into
a chain of services that provide a specific functionality that could not be achieved by
atomic services alone. A service-oriented environment is dynamic in nature, meaning
that services come online and go offiine, services change their functionality, etc.
Current classical AI planning techniques suffer from the assumption of deterministic
behavior of \Veb services and require execution monitoring for service failures. To
address this concern, Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP) in
workflow composition has been used. POMDPs provide a powerful mathematical
framework for planning and decision making in noisy and/ or dynamic environments.
PO:\1DPs have been widely used to model many real-world problems. This thesis
develops, implements and analyzes the suitability of the POMDP approach to the
Web service composition problem.