Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Field Pea and Potato and their Effect on Plant Growth and Yield
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North Dakota State University
In this study, surveys were conducted in pea and potato fields in North Dakota and Central Minnesota to investigate the incidence and abundance of plant-parasitic nematodes in these fields. Moreover, the effect of the pin nematode, Paratylenchus nanus, on plant growth and yield of six field pea cultivars was determined under greenhouse conditions. Similarly, the influence of lesion nematode, Pratylenchus penetrans, and wilt fungi, Fusarium oxysporum alone and together on growth and yield of potato cultivar ‘Red Norland’, was evaluated in microplots under field conditions. The results indicate Paratylenchus spp. and Pratylenchus spp. are the most frequent nematodes, respectively, in pea and potato fields. Pin nematodes reproduced on field pea cultivars and caused up to 37% reduction in plant height and 40% reduction in yield. Additionally, both P. penetrans and F. oxysporum alone, and together had significant negative effect on growth and yield of potato.