Dark, Hard and Vitreous (DHV) HRS Wheat Kernel Content Effect on Flour and Baking Quality

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North Dakota State University


Kernel vitreousness is an important grading characteristics of Hard Red Spring (HRS) wheat in the U.S., as subclasses vary in the dark, hard and vitreous kernel (DHV) content. This research investigated different subclasses of HRS wheat on flour and baking quality characteristics. The U.S. Regional Crop Quality Survey samples from three consecutive years were used for subclass segregation. Samples were milled, and flour quality and bread baking characteristics were evaluated for both regional and protein composites. A significant (P<0.05) difference in the flour water absorption was found between vitreous kernel treatments, and high DHV content resulted in greater water absorption. An example further showed the importance of flour water absorption on potential economical incentives that can be gained with high DHV content. These results enable the flour milling and baking industry to choose between the different subclasses of HRS wheat with varying DHV content for their intended end-use applications.


