ND245, NDSA and NDSB: A New Inbred Line and Two Germplasm Sources for Producing Early Corn Hybrids
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North Dakota State University
Volume is misnumbered as 37:3
ND245 is a yellow dent com (Zea mays L.) inbred line developed at the Agricultural Experiment Station, North Dakota State University. This line was evaluated for yield and agronomic performance and in hybrid combinations. ND245 is released because it appears to have potential for producing early maturing hybrids with good yields, high test weights and good lodging resistance. NDSA and NDSB are early synthetic varieties developed as potential sources of high yielding, early inbreds. They are released for use in other com breeding programs directed at developing new early maturing com hybrids.
ND245 is a yellow dent com (Zea mays L.) inbred line developed at the Agricultural Experiment Station, North Dakota State University. This line was evaluated for yield and agronomic performance and in hybrid combinations. ND245 is released because it appears to have potential for producing early maturing hybrids with good yields, high test weights and good lodging resistance. NDSA and NDSB are early synthetic varieties developed as potential sources of high yielding, early inbreds. They are released for use in other com breeding programs directed at developing new early maturing com hybrids.