Upward Trend in 1981 Farmland Values
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North Dakota State University
North Dakota farm land values were mixed in 1981. In some areas, prices declined. In two areas, the values increased substantially. This article i best described by it's table titles: estimated average fam land values in 1981 and 1980 and changes per acre, estimated crop and pasture land values, estimated number of farm title transfers per farms by method of transfer, year ending March 1, 1972-75 February 1, 1976-81, North Dakota, average tract size and actual sales prices per acre by eight farming areas, 1981, sales by method of finance in 1981, sales by age of sellers in 1981, sales by ages of buyers in 1981, sales by types of buyers in 1981, USDA Index of farm land values, This article attempts to explain and to account for the differences in farm land valuations. It points out that not all farm land is homogeneous.