Georgetown Park: A New Urbanist Neighborhood on Fargo's Urban Fringe
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North Dakota State University
Poorly planned development is threatening
our environment, our health, and our quality
of life. In communities across America
"sprawl" - scattered development that
increases traffic, saps local resources and
destroys open space - is taking a serious toll.
From Connecticut to California sprawl is
increasing air and water pollution, devouring
wetlands and forests, and burdening our
communities with the social and economic
costs of unplanned growth.
New Urbanism is a reaction to sprawl. A
growing movement of architects, planners,
and developers, the New Urbanism is based
on principles of planning and architecture
that work together to create human-scale,
walkable communities.
I propose as a thesis project, the design of a high-density subdivision; the research for
which will show that land values are not directly related to population density.