Synthesis and Utilization of Si6H12 and Si6X12 (X = Cl, Br) for the Generation of Novel Silicon Materials

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North Dakota State University


Cyclohexasilane (Si6H12) and its derivatives, Si6X12 (X = Cl, Br), have chemical and physical properties different from linear and branched polysilanes, thus creating interest in their use as starting materials for a variety of applications. The liquid nature and lower activation energy of Si6H12 give it advantages as a starting material for silicon based materials including quantum dots (SiQDs), nanorods (SiNRs) and nanowires (SiNWs), as well as novel processing methods such as roll to roll deposition of silicon thin films. The electronegative elements on Si6X12 create Lewis acid sites above and below the ring, giving it the ability to form novel salts and 1-dimensional stacked polymers. This work developed a new route toward Si6H12 and Si6Cl12 by focusing on the production of the precursor [Si6Cl142-] dianion salts and studying their physical and chemical properties. This thesis also describes the preparation of novel Si6X12 based materials.


