Turf Quality of Creeping Bentgrass Using Foliar Fertilization Tank-Mixed with Sprayable Organic Amendments
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North Dakota State University
The use of foliar fertilizer applications on creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) is a popular method of achieving quality turfgrass. Tank-mixing foliar products may increase turfgrass quality, reduce amount of applications, and create synergism between products. The objective of this thesis was to determine the effectiveness of tank-mixing organic amendments with N fertilizers to improve turfgrass quality. A greenhouse study was conducted in 2012 and 2013 to determine turf quality of three different N forms tank-mixed with three different organic amendments. Generally, urea treatments received the highest VQ among all N forms ranging from 1.6-3.5 higher than control. Experiment one; TurfWorks® was always the highest VQ with an average of 6.5 compared to 5.8 for control. Experiment two; Ful-Power® was the highest VQ with a 6.7 average, compared to 6.0 for control. Clipping yield, green density, DGCI, NDVI, and clipping yield were all significant by N forms, but not OM.