A Software Tool to Facilitate Automate Creation of Virtual Inspection Teams and Inspection Performance Evaluation

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North Dakota State University


Software inspection in the early phase of software development is proven to be an effective method to help developer to detect and fix defects in software requirement. It can improve the quality of software requirement, which affects the overall quality of the subsequent phases and hence, the final software product. In order to make inspection to be more effective, research focus on learning the factors that positively impact the performance of individual and team inspection is necessary. This paper presents a tool that can assist researchers to study the relationship between software inspectors’ LS preferences and their performance in detecting defects during the inspection of software artifact. Several statistical techniques were employed in this tool, to create and sort different size of inspection teams based on dissimilarity of LS preferences of inspectors. This tool can be used to study correlations between individual inspector’s LS strengths and their inspection team performance.


