Theory, Research and Application: An In-Depth Look into the Practice of Mass Communication
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North Dakota State University
These major papers examined the aspects of theory, research and application in regard to
mass communication through examples in each designated paper. As the portfolio title
indicates, the methods analyzed throughout these major papers will first feature theory
through an analysis of rhetorical criticism, then move to research with the literature review
on environmental communication, and finally discuss application with a case study
concerning the crisis communication efforts utilized by the state of Minnesota during the I-
35W bridge collapse. Each of these facets of communication were included and analyzed
for their contributions to the field of mass communication itself. Through establishing the
importance of theory, research and application in the context of mass communication, this
portfolio provides insight into the educational foundations of my graduate program with
detailed explanations into why each piece was chosen. In addition to this in-depth look into
my curriculum, this portfolio also includes suggestions for future research as well as
discussion on what lessons I learned through the completion of my graduate program.