Dynamic Algorithms for Sensor Scheduling and Adversary Path Prediction
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North Dakota State University
In this thesis we describe three new dynamic, real time and robust sensor
scheduling algorithms for intruder tracking and sensor scheduling. We call them Tactic
Association Based Algorithm (TABA), Tactic Case Based Algorithm (TCBA) and Tactic
Weight Based Algorithm (TWBA). The algorithms are encoded, illustrated visually,
validated, and tested. The aim of the algorithms is to efficiently track an intruder or
multiple intruders while minimizing energy usage in the sensor network by using real
time event driven sensor scheduling. What makes these intrusion detection schemes
different from other intrusion detection schemes in the literature is the use of
historical data in path prediction and sensor scheduling.
The TABA uses sequence pattern mining to generate confidences of movement
of an intruder from one location to another location in the sensor network. TCBA uses
the Case-based reasoning approach to schedule sensors and track intruders in the
wireless sensor network. TWBA uses weighted hexagonal representation of the sensor
network to schedule sensors and track intruders.
In this research we also introduce a novel approach to generate probable
intruder paths which are strong representatives of the paths intruders would take
when moving through the sensor network.